


The main organs in the digestive system are: mouth, salivay glands, esophagus, stomach, liver, small intenstine, large intenstine and rectum. In finnish mouth is called suu, salivary gland is called sylkirauhanen, esophagus is called ruokatorvi, liver is called maksa, stomach is called maha or vatsa, pancreas is called haima, liver is called maksa, large intense is called paksusuoli, small intenstine is called ohutsuoli and rectum is called peräsuoli.

The main task
of Digestive system
Digestion is the process of changing food into a simpler form so that it can be used by the body.

A good diet for the digestive system
Eat more fruits and vegetables. Avoid or eat less unhealthy food like burger, pizza and tortila. Eat light before going to bed and have a big breakfast.

Fibers plays a major role in digestive health. Fiber also helps to keep the digestive tract flowing, by keeping bowel movements soft and regular.


Here is a picture of DIGESTIVE SYSTEM
Related image


The main organs in Circulatory system are heart, arteries, veins, right hemisphere and left hemsiphere. In finnish heart is called sydän, arteries are called valtimot, veins are called laskimot, right hemisphere is called oikea puolisko and  left hemisphere is called vasen puolisko.

The main task of circulatory system
The main task of circulatory system is to circulate blood in the body. The blood is circulated in the body by heart through the blood vessels.

The function of circulatory system
The function of the circulatory system process starts with the small intestine which passes digested food and the lungs pass on oxygen to the blood, after that the blood distributes this food and oxygen to all parts of the body.The arteries carry oxygen through the body and the veins carry carbon dioxide away from the body. The heart pumps the blood in the right direction with valves and muscles.

Some facts
A human's heart beats 50-60 times a minute.
The human heart pumps over 13,640 litres of blood per day. ( just for fun)


Here is a picture of CIRCULATORY SYSTEM
Image result for circulatory system


The main organs in respiratory system are nose, trachea or windpipe which starts in your throat, the lungs, bronchi, which are small tubes at the end of the lungs. They end in bronchioles and then alveoli, which take care of the oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange between the lungs and blood vessels and finally the diaphram which moves up and down to help expand the lungs. In finnish nose is called nenä, windpipe or trachea is called henkitorvi, lungs are called keuhkot, bronchi is called keuhkoputkit, alveoli is called alveole and diaphram is called pallea.

How do we get oxygen in our blood
The air goes first through the nose to the trachea, the to the lungs. a human has two lungs, which has hundreds of millions of bronchi and alveoli. The inhaled oxygen goesninto the bronchi and the alveoli. There are capillaries over the alveoli. From the capillaries, the oxygen goes into the blood stream. During exhailing the carbon dioxide goes out.

The most harmful substance
The most harmful substance is SMOKING because it causes sixteen different kind of cancers and has five thousand chemicals.

How to keep our respiratory system safe
To keep your respiratory system safe you should not smoke because it very harmful for you and breath fresh air.


Here is a picture of the RESPIRATORY SYSTEM
Image result for respiratory system


The main function of nervous system
The main function of nervous system is to carry message to brain and back. The brain controls all the actions and reactions of body.

Difference between PERIPHERAL and the CENTRAL nervous system
The central nervous system includes the brain and the spinal cord and the peripheral includes all the nerves that branch out from the brain and spinal cord and extend to the other parts of body including muscles and organs.

Functions of the PERIPHERAL and the NERVOUS system
The central nervous system is responsible for sending, receiving and interpreting information from all parts of the body and the peripheral system is the primary role of PNS (peripheral nervous sytem) is to connect the CNS (central nervous system) to the organs, limbs and skin.


Here is a picture of CENTRAL and PERPHERAL nervous system
Image result for peripheral nervous system

Central Europe

Numbered Information

The number of countries in Central Europe is 9. It includes Austria, Czech Republic, 
Germany, Hungary, Liechtenstein, Poland, Slovakia, 
Slovenia and Switzerland. The population of Central Europe is 165 million people altogether. 




Czech Republic:
















Capital Cities

Austria: Vienna, Czesch Republic: Prague, Germany. Berlin, hungary: Budapest, 
Liechenstein: Vaduz, Poland: Warsaw and Slovakia: Bratislava, Slovenia: Ljubljana and Switzerland: Bern.

Size of the Countries

Austria: 83879 square km, Czech Republic: 78866 sqare km, Germany: 357386 square km, Hungary: 93030 square km, Liechtenstien: 160 square km, Poland: 312679 square km, Slovakia: 49035 square km,
Slovenia: 20273 square km, Switzerland 41285 square km.

Population of each country

Hungary: 9.69 million ppl, Poland: 38 million ppl, Austria: 8,7 million ppl, Germany: 82,2 million ppl, Switzerland 8,4 million ppl, Czech Republic 10,5 million ppl, Slovakia: 5,4 ppl, Slovenia: 2 million ppl, Leichenstein: 37 thousand ppl.

Climate and Weather

The climate is the transitional climate. The weather: Winters are milder than in the North.


In Germany people speak German.
In Switzerland people speak German, French, Italian and Romansch.
In Austria people speak German.
In Czech Rebublic people speak Czech.
In Hungary people speak Hungarian.
In Slovakia people speak in Slovak.
In Slovenia people speak Slovenian.
In Poland people speak Polish.
In Liechtenstein people speak German. 


Germany's Culture

65-70% are Christians, 29% are Catholics
and 4,4% of muslims, but 36% of them don't belong to any religion. 
 They speak german. Germans call Germany Deutshland. 
The country is known as the country of poets and thinkers. 
 They eat sausages and make bread of different tastes on special occasions. 
In weddings, the bride carries salt and bread as an omen for good harvest.
The groom has to carry garin for good luck and wealth. 
In most of the Middle European countries, they do the same things.

Switzerland's Culture

86% of people are Christians. Switzerland is one of the most wealthiest countries.
New year parties are same like elsewhere, except in Northeast 
they celebrate the New Year a second time on 13th January, 
in relation to start the Gregorian calender.
The last eight days of January, in the Alpine village 
people fly around 80 hot air balloons from 20 different countries 
and Switzerland is one of the countries.

Austria's culture

They are mainly Christians but some are Roman Catholics.
Austria is famous for very good ski resorts. 
Vienna has a lot of old beautiful buildings and a lot of concerts are held there.
Vienna is sometimes called the music capital of Europe.

Slovakia's culture

The main relegion is Christianity. Other relegions in this country include Islam and Judaism, 
but these relegions make up lass than 1%. 
Slovakian culture shares similarities with Austrian, German, Polish and Hungarian cultures.

Slovenia's culture

57% are Catholics, 2% Muslim, 2% Orthodox, 3% unaffiliated, 23% unspecified 
and 10% of none.
Slovenia has very versatile culture, From dance and music to festivals.

Czech Republic's culture

Relegions include Christianity, Roman Catholism, Evangelical Christian Church, Atheism, Agnosticism, Buddhism and Islam.
The Czechs Republic is the #1 country of drinking beer. There are many famous beers produced in the Czech Republic. Prague, Czech Republic's capital city is a beautiful place.

Hungary's culture

37% Catholics, 2% Greek Catholics, 11% Calvinism, 2% Lutheranism, 
16% non-relegious and 1% Atheists.
Hungary is famous for Gulash and salami. Hungary has rich literature with many poets and writers.


79% Catholics, 8% Protestantism, 5% Islam, 1% Other Christians and 5% non-relegion.
German is spoken in this country.
There are usually rather wealthy people in Liechtenstein.


Deer, Stag, Rabbit, Pheasant, Fox, Badger, 
Marten, Hare, Otter, Heron, Spoonbill, 
Wild Goose, Wild Boar, Ducks, Wolves, 
Bears, Eagles, Partridges, Chamois, Groundhog,
Mountain Jackdaw, Stork, Sturgeon, Salmon,
Grouse, Pike, Bream, Vole, Mice, Rat, Polecat,
Marmot, Stoat and Weasel.

Land marks


Switzerland´s major mountain ranges are Alps and Jura.
Switzerland´s major rivers are Rhone and Rhine.
Saint-Leonard Underground Lake is Valais and it is the largest underground lake in Europe. It is 300 meters long and 20 meters wide.
Giessbach Falls is in Bern and is more than 500 meters tall waterfall.
Murrenbach Falls is in Bern and is the tallest waterfall in Switzerland. It is 417 meters tall.
Rhine Falls are Schaffhausen and Zurichfa. They are one of the largest waterfalls in Europe.


Austria is a rich country.
Austria is known for its great mountains and skiing.
Hofburg Palace was built in the 13th century.
Hofburg Palace is also home to the world-famous Spanish Riding School.
In Salzburg, there is a castle called Hohensalzburg Castle and was built in 10th century. It is one of the biggest castle in Europe.
In Vienna there is a palace called Schonbrun n palace and it has 1,441 rooms.
The palace is known for its beautiful gardens.
Hochosterwitz Castle is said to be the inspiration behind Sleeping Beauty’s Castle, and it is easy to see.
There are also salt mines in Salzburg.


If you’re a fan of fairy tales, then don’t leave Germany without seeing Neuschwanstein Castle in person. Located just outside of the town of Füssen in Bavaria, Schloss Neuschwanstein was started by King Ludwig II in the 19th century.
Röthbachfall is Germany´s tallest waterfall and is approximately 350 – 370 m tall, almost vertical.
Aachtopf is the most powerful spring of Germany.
Bergpark is one of the most gorgeous parks in Europe.
They strarted to make in 1696 and the park was finally done 1850.
Porta Nigra is the largest Roman built city gate north of the Alps, built between 186 – 200 AD.


Wielka Sniezna cave is the largest and the deepest cave in Poland.
It is also a salt mine.
It is 23,616 meters long and 824 meters deep.
Ujazdow castle is rebuilt several times. It's orignal construction was in the 13th century.
People have lived upon the Wawel castle since the old stone age.
It was built by a Polish Monarch, Casimir lll the great, and this was in the 14th century.
The Malbork castle was found in 1274 by the Teotonic knights.


In Bratislava there is a very famous baroque castle. It's located on the Carpathians 
directly above the Danube river. Then there are the ruins of the Spiš castle. Located in Eastern Europe, 
this castle was constructed in the 12th century and destroyed by fire in 1780. 
There are also ruins of the Devín castle. They take place in Bratislava. 
You can also see the Danube from there.


In the Julian alps, there is a lake called Lake Bled. In the middle of it, there is a small 
island which has a church on it. 
Postonja cave is over 24 kilometers long and 115 meters deep. It has colourful stones and walls of rock. 
It is the second longest cave system in the country. 
Triglav national park is in Northwest Slovenia. It's centered on Mount Triglav. 
Mountain huts are spread throughout the park.

Czech Republic

Prague castle is located in Prague. It was built in the 9th century, so quite a long time ago.
This castle is the official office of the president of the Czech Republic. It has been the seat 
of power for Kings of of Bohemia, Roman Emprors and presidents of Czechoslovakia.
Charles Bridge is a bridge that crosses the Vltava river in Prague. The building of it started in 1357 and finished in the 15th century.
St. Vitus Cathedral is in Prague. In 1997 it was dedicated only to Saint Vitus and still is today.


The Buda castle takes place in Budapest. It was completed in 1265, but the largest baroque styled part of the palace was built in 1749 and 1769. 
The Hungarian Parliament building is the seat of the national assembly of Hungary.


The Vaduz castle was built around 1230 and was burnt in the 
Swabian war of 1499 by the Swiss confederary.
It was rebuilt between 1904 and 1920.
Gutenburg castle is a mountaintop top castle in Balzers.
It was constructed around the year 1100.
The people have been living on the hill of the castle since the New Stone Age.
St. Mamertus Chapel is the oldest chapel in the country, built in the 9th or eary 10th century.
The Old Vaduz or the Sevelen Rhine bridge was built in 1900-1901.
It is 135 meters lond and covered wooden bridge.
Red house is the capital of landmarks.
You can see it from a distance because it is made on a mountain.
It was made in the Middle Stone Age.
The Red house looks one of the extensive vineyards in the country.
The Kuntsmuseum is Liechtenstein´s arts museum for modern and histrorian arts and it is located in vaduz.
The Catherdal of S.T Florin is in Vaduz.
It is a Roman Catholic neo-Gothic church and it was constructed in 1874.

Vegetation Zones

There is one vegetation zone in Central Europe, which is deciduous forest.
A deciduous forest is basically a forest consisting of trees that have leaves.
Oak and beech are most common tree species in these kind of forests. 
But several of them have been cut down in order to change them into food growing areas.


In Central Europe, the following money is used: Euros,
The Czech Koruna, Hungarian Forint, Swiss Franc,
and Polish złoty.


Swiss are well known for their watches and clocks,
Austria for luxury commodities.
The Czech Republic are known for glass and crystal.
Germany is known for engineering.
Hungary mostly make food.
Liechtenstein make textile products.
Poland make vehicles.
Slovakia make chemical products.
Slovenia make electronics.

Some intersesting facts about the countries


Germany is the seventh most visited country in the world.
Geramny is one of the most populated countries in Europe.
One third of Germany is still covered in forests and woodland.
Germany´s capital city had changed 7 times.
From Achen to Regensburg, Frankfurt, Nuremberg, Berlin, Weimar and back to Berlin.
The German football team is the worlds secound most successful team.


The name Austria came from a German word called austro and it means east.
The Austrian flag is one of the most oldest flag in the world.
Approximately one fourth of the population lives in Vienna.
Vienna has the oldest zoo in the worls and it as made in 1752.
The first postcards were used in Austria.


Switzerland has been an independent country since 1499.
Zurich and Gevena are in the the top ten most liveable cities in the world.
The Swiss eat more chocolate than any other country in the wold.
Eighteen Swiss chocolate companies made 172,376 tons of chocolate in 2012.
Swiss chocolates maker Daniel Peter and Henri Nestle.
In Switzerland there are more than 1,500 lakes.
Switzerland was originally called Helvetia.
Switzerland´s largest city is Zurich.
Nescafe is the worlds first coffe ever.
It was built in Switzerland.


Poland is the 9th largest country in Europe.
Poland has the worlds biggest castle.
Poland is one of the most religious country in Europe.
The Polish people cannot speak their own language correctly.
Poland has the second oldest universty in Europe.


Slovakia has 180 castles.
Slovakia has more than 6000 caves.
All the people in Slovakia can travel in train for free.
Slovakia has more than 1300 mineral springs.
After Austria, Slovakia has the largest natural freshwater supplies.
The highest statue of a horse is in Slovakia.


There are more tha 10 thousand caves in Slovenia.
The last day of winters the Slovenians wear masks and dress up.
Slovenia gas one of the most beautiful lakes in the world.
Slovens love vineyards.
There are more than 400 brown bears in Slovenia.
If people marry in the church on Bled Island the groom has to carry the bride up to 99 steps.
The world´s largest ski jump is in Slovenia.


Liechenstein is one of the smallest country in the world.
Once a year all the people of Liechenstein are invited to the castle for party.
Liechenstein is a double landlock nation.
There are no airports in the country.
If you want to go to Liechenstein you have to land at Switzerland´s airport and then travel by road to Liechenstein.
There is only one lake in Liechenstein.

Czech Rebublic

Czechs are mad about mushrooms.
Czech Rebublic is also famous for its beer.
Czech Rebublichas the worlds biggest castle.
There are over 2 thousand castles.
Czech Rebublic is mostly surrounded by mountains.
The Czech people have a very dark sence of humour.


Hungary is a landlocked country.
Hungary is one of the oldest country in Europe.
The oldest universety was found in 1367.
Hungary has one of the oldest railway metros in the world.


 https://en.m.wikipedia.org, www.austria.org,


Spain is a europian country with the main language being Spannish.

Spain is a country with a population of 46.56 million the country is neighbouring Portugal and the country might split because of Catalonia asking for independence but the Spain has not granted. The climate is around 30-24 degrees in the summer and around 10 degrees.

The climate change doesn't effect Spain that much but still the climate could result in loss of eccosystem and the extonction of the cantrabrian brown bear this a endangered species in Spain. Spain has the highest at-risk species in Europe.

Kuvahaun tulos haulle cantabrian brown bear

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