It was my first day of school in Finland. After the first lesson it was break and I was playing alone. The teacher came to me and said "Aarushi why are you playing alone, there are some girls and you should go there and talk to them."
I replied " I will go the next break because I don't have time." The next lesson so after the break we had a pair task to do. I didn't have a pair because there were 13 students. So the teacher put me in a group of three. In the group work we had to know each other. The next break I went to talk to the girl. When I said hi I froze like a snowman. She also said "hi" and then we started to talk. And then I got to know that her name was Alisa and she got to know that my name was Aarushi. She was the same height as I was. She was wearing a white skirt, blue belt and a nicely worn blue shirt which had a beautiful flower on the left side of the shirt, black shoes and straight hair. Then we ran to the swings and started swinging. The next lesson we had maths and she needed some help and I helped her and one time I needed some help so she helped me. That's how we became best friends.

Dolphin to the rescue

Minie the baby dolphin that swims in the Pacific Ocean saved a child's life on 7th July in Sydney, Australia. The child was on the mountain but she slipped and ended up in the ocean Then Minie came and saved the life of the child. She surprised everyone. Minie saved the day.

The govermant always tries to say in the newpapers and on tv that be aware of
the ocean and especially of dolphins because one day a dolphin ate a person and they were not any more allowed to present a dolphin show because the govermant said so. On the 10th July govermant said that we will catch the dolphins so they won't harm anyone or we kill the dolphins. The local people  voted and 90% was to kill the dolphins and 10% was to catch the dolphins.

The govermant went with a submarine underwater and put poisonous gas and a couple of dolphins were killed. The people thought there are no more dolphins and few and on 13th July many people celebrated because the dolphins were dead. One day a girl called Alice went to a mountain. She was playing on her phone and she slipped into water but she could not swim. Then Minie the dolphin came and saved the life. She brought her on the land and started to make loud noices. The people that lived near heard the came and they got scared but the dolphin left. The people did contact to the ambulance and police.

Alice woke up and found her self in the hospital.
"What am I doing here?" enquired Alice. 
" The last thing that I remember is that I was in the ocean and a dolphin came" murmured Alice 
" The dolphin carried you to ground and some people called the ambulance and the police" said doctor

From then the dolphins were not harmed and there were dolphin shows again. Minie used to swim and she was allowed to do a dolphin show and whenever she wanted she could go back to the ocean

Sam and Tree vs Ariana

Once upon a time lived a boy called Sam. He lived with her sister. Her name was  Ariana. Ariana is two years older to Sam.
Their parents died when sam was 15 and  Ariana was 17. Sam was very naughty. He sometimes didn´t listen to Ariana. Ariana sometimes used to shout at him when he did something naughty. Ariana was very nice, helpful, intelligent girl and used to take good care of Sam. Every night Ariana used to tell him a story about a swan who used to help others. Sam used to ask Ariana everyday that how did our parents died and every time Ariana used to say that you are too young to understand. But when Sam insisted, Ariana agreed to tell him the truth. She told him that their parents died because of magical tree in forest.
Sam was in shock to hear about this.

"It is not possible because the tree is my best friend,'' said Sam.
 "This is the reality and if you don't believe me, let's go and ask the tree," said Ariana.
They started to walk towards the tree who was hearing their conversation. Tree said to himself that he will not say truth to Sam.
"Where are you tree, my friend," asked Sam.
 "I am here and what is the matter?'' said the Tree
Sam told the tree that his sister is saying their parents had died because of you magical tree. But tree denied this and told Sam that his parents died because of Ariana. 
"The tree is lying", said Ariana.
Magical tree said I even have a video that show about you´r parents and how they died.

When the tree showed the video Sam was in a shock. It showed that Ariana was the person who killed. Tree said that let's go out and say to Ariana. Sam why are you looking so mad.Because you lied to me and I hate you because of you our parents died.
''Ariana (in shock) that is not true the tree is trying to save himself.''
 "It is not the truth".
 "I am going away because I don't want to stay with you Ariana,'' shouted Sam.
"No wait" shouted Ariana!''

End of the unit test The boy who cried wolf

Boy: (shouted) Wolf Wolf
Villager 1: (angrily) Shall we go again and see?
Villager 2: (angrily) Yes, but if he is lying again then we will never go again.
(villagers going up hill)
(Villagers enter downstage right)
Villager 2: (worriedly) Are you alright)
Villager 1: (crossly) Were you lying again?
Boy: (Laughing) That was fun.
Villager 1: (shouting) We told you not to trick  us again.
Boy :  (giggling) Yes, but it is funny.
Villager 2: (yelling) We will not come again.
 (Villagers exit downstage left)
 (In the village)
Villager 1: (crossly) I am really annoyed.
Villager2: (crossly) Me too.
(Boy yelling from the hill, wolf wolf)
Villager 1: (annoyed) I am not going to go  again.
Villager 2: (annoyed) Me too.
Villager 1: (tiredly) Lets meet near the fields  in the evenging.

(Near the fields in the evenging)
Villager 1: (normaly) Have yo seen the boy?
Villager 2: (normaly) No, I have not seen the boy or heard him yelling.
Villager 1: (worriedly) Lets go and see.
(Villagers enter downstage right)
Villager 1: (scaredly) What is that thing that is coming from the woods?
Villager 2: (scaredly) It is the boy.
Boy : (crying) The wolf took my lambs  and he was almost going to eat me  but I escaped.
Boy:  (crying) Why didn´t you come when  I yelled wolf wolf.
Villager 1: (sadly) We thought you were lying.
Vilager 2:  (sadly) Yeah, thats why we didn´t come.
Boy: (sadly) It was my fault and I  promise I will never play tricks.

The end

You should never lie


What are bees?
Bees are insects and they can fly. They are black, yellow and brown in colour. They have six legs snd their wings are really beautiful. Like other inscets bees have three body regions a head, thorax and an abdomen and they have beautiful wings. They are dangerous because they might stin you. They live in beehives. They are also useful to us beacause they give us honey.

What does bees eat?
Honey bees collect nectar and convert it in to honey. Honey bees eat over ripe fruit, and they eat honey. Bees are mostly vegetarian! The majority of honey bee larvae eat honey, but larvae that are chosen to become future queens will be fed with royal jelly. Royal jelly is made by female workers. Nectar is the sweet water produced by and collected on plants like flowers, while pollen is a protein-rich powder. They are also predators.

What are some interesting facts about bees?
Queens begin laying their eggs in the center of the cell frame, so workers can place honey, royal jelly and other foods. Bumblebees are considered to be beneficial insects because they pollinate crops and plants. They are very social bees and live in large "families".
Honey bees live in hives (or colonies). The members of the hive are divided into three types:
Queen: One queen runs the whole hive. Her job is to lay the eggs.
Workers: these are all female and they make and protect the hive.
Workers are the only bees most people ever see flying around outside the hive.Workers are the only bees most people ever see flying around outside the hive.
Drones: These are the male bees, and their purpose is to mate with the new queen.But come winter, when the hive goes into survival mode, the drones are kicked out!
If the queen bee dies, workers will create a new queen by selecting a young larva (the newly hatched baby insects) and feeding it a special food called “royal jelly“.
They fly at a speed of around 25km per hour and beat their wings 200 times per second!


What do pandas eat?
Pandas are big eaters  Every day they fill their tummies for up to 12 hours and they eat 12 kilograms of bamboo! So, a giant pandas' diet is almost mainly bamboo, but what species and parts of bamboo do they eat? Also pandas like eating arrow bamboo, black bamboo, and 'water bamboo and 20 other types of bamboo. They are omnivores which means they eat meat as well as grass, leaves, and bamboos.

What does a panda look like?
Pandas are fat and they are black and white in colour. Their thick black and white fur keeps them warm in winters. Their white coat with black markings is unique, with black patches round the eyes and ears, black legs, and a black band around the shoulders. And they have small white tails.

What are some interesting facts about Pandas?
They live in china. The giant panda’s scientific name is Ailuropoda melanoleuca, which means “black and white cat-foot”. Scientists aren’t sure how long pandas live in the wild, but in captivity they live to be around 30 years old. Unlike most other bears, pandas do not sleep in the winters, which is called hibarnation. When winter approaches, they head lower down their mountain homes to warmer temperatures, where they continue to chomp away on bamboo! However these beautiful bears are endangered. Only around 1,000 remain in the wild.

Image result for pictures of pandas


Marilla didn´t wanted Anne to go but Anne was begging to go to Diana´s house. Why do you want to go to Diana´s house. She has something important to tell me. Why can´t she tell you tomorrow in the school said Anne. She wants to tell now and it is very important and I will come as soon as I can. I promise said Anne. Then Marilla said only this time and you promised that you will come as soon as possible. You can go then said Marilla. Thankyou. Then Anne hurried she wore her coat, outdoor pants, gloves ,hat, scarf and snowboots and then she went down stairs. It was very dark and there was so much snow. She couldn´t even see a thing. Anne was still freezing cause it was - 23 degeres. She started to feel scared and was thinking what is the important thing that Diana wants to tell her. Finally she made cause there were street lamps and then she could see where she is going. Then she finally made to Diana´s house.

Then Anne rang the doorbell but nobody opened the door. She rang the doorbell many times but nobody. Anne started to think that is there anything wrong at Diana´s house. She was going back but just then Diana´s mum opended the door and said hi Anne. Anne said I was ringing the bell so many times but nobody answered. I was in the kitchen making food and my hands were dirty and Diana was taking a bath. Well come in said Diana´s mum. When Anne went in the house she saw that there were so much food and there were many boxes that were packed. She asked Diana´s mum that when will Diana come. Diana´s mum shouted Anne is here. She wants to talk to you. Diana hurried and came down. Anne I want to tell you something. Anne started to think something bad. Diana said let´s go  to my room.

Anne said what is the important thing you want to tell me. Diana said but why it took you so much time to come. I was waiting for you. Now I am here and what is the important thing and I saw your mum making so much food and there were boxes that were packed and where is your bed I cannot see that. Is everything alright and why are you tensed Diana. Why are you not saying anything. I am very worried. Anne I have a really bad news and you will not like it either. What is the news. Just then Diana´s mum came and siad your dad is calling from London and he wants to talk to you. Diana said hi to her dad and her dad said are you ready. Yes I am and her dad said happy journey and give the phone to your mum. Then Diana´s mum went down. Diana told to Anne I am going to London. Nice said Anne and when are you coming back. I don´t know when I am coming back. What do you mean? I am moving to London forever and I will live with with my dad. I don´t want to go but I have to. You are my best friend said Anne and you are my best friend said Diana but I have to.

Just then Diana´s mum came to Diana´s room and said we don´´t have to go to London. Your dad just told me incase of we going to London he will come here forever. Just then Anne and Diana got very happy. So I don´y have to go to London. No said Diana´s mum. But what will we do will all this food cause I made this food for our journey and what about the packing. Don´t worry Diana´s mum said Anne I can help you to unpack your stuff. Diana said and we can give this food to my friends. HAPPY ENDING


It was then that Albert decided to cry...

The housekeeper said stop crying you silly boy loudly and you have to clean this mess and get water for mistress for her bath and i will give you only 10 minutes to do this. Can you help me said the boy. "No ways shouted the housekeeper". So she left and the boy had to do everything himself. After mistress took a bath she scolded t he boy that you were very late and I didn`t like it at all and if this happens again then you will do more work than you do said the mistress. The housekeeper heard everything and wanted to tease the boy cause she didn´t like the boy.

The next day the housekeeper said to the boy that carry this bucket for Mrs smith´s bath. The boy said can you but she said you have so he did. Just then he fell again because the housekeeper did put some oil so he would slip and Mrs smith would scold him and he has to do more work. This time Mrs Smith saw and scolded the boy and gave him more work and thn she saw the housekeeper smiling when she was scolding the boy and she said to the boy that come to my room because I have to talk to you. Then she said that what happend and the boy said I did slip because there was oil. Mrs Smith asked did you also slip yesterday. No said the boy, yesterday it ws my fault but today I did slip because there was oil and then Mrs Smith understood everything and said don´t worry I will tell the housekeeper to clean the mess and then the housekeeper had to clean and she got more angry on the boy.

So the next day Mrs Smith did talk to the housekeeper and said you did put oil yesterday and thats why Albert fell. No said the housekeeper but Mrs Smith knew that she was lying. Then Mrs Smith had to go shopping and left Albert and the housekeeper at home. So the housekeeper thought that she could tease Albert but just then Mrs Smith said that you have to also clean the house with Albert. Just then the housekeeper was in a shock and said me and clean. Yes said Mrs Smith, but I don´t clean I give people that they have to clean. Not this time you have to also clean shouted Mrs Smith. Mrs Smith called Albert and said you have to clean the upstairs and the housekeeper has clean the downstairs. After that she left and the housekeeper said to Albert, you will clean everything. Albert shouted why I have to? The housekeeper said cause you are very silly thats why, but that is not fair. Yes it is fair and start now shouted the housekeeper. Albert was crying from inside and was very sad. Meanwhile the housekeeper was eating candy. Just then the door bell rang and the housekeeper onpend the door and she saw Mrs Smith and the housekeeper was in a shock. What are you doing here shouted the housekeeper. Why are you shouting like that and I did forgot my purse and when she went inside she said Albert why are you cleaning the downstairs. Albert said I have to clean the whole house cause the housekeeper is not doing everything. Just then the housekeeper said no he is lying I am cleaning the upstairs. We did swith our cleaning place. Just then Mrs Smith saw candy and she said who has been eating candy? It was not me said the housekeeper but Albert was nice and said I did. Mrs Smith said don´t worry I know you didn´t. Albert said no it was me and I am so sorry. Mrs Smith said it is ok and now I am not going for shopping. I will see you guys cleaning and now go to work. The housekeeper had to clean the upstairs and she was so mad at the boy and on Mrs Smith. They did clean the whole day and Mrs Smith gave them some money for cleaning the house and then they all went to sleep but the housekeeper was really annoyed by Albert and Mrs Smith.

Next day in the morning, when Albert opened he was in shock. Then he said loudly mom dad. The housekeeper and Mrs Smith both were in a shock. Mrs Smith told them to come in. Then Albert’s parents said that we are here to get Albert. Where are you taking Albert said Mrs Smith. Albert’s parents said we are taking him with us to our house. Mrs Smith said can you guys stay here for today and leave tomorrow. Albert said yes I want to go tomorrow. Then his parents said ok. The housekeeper was very mad at Mrs Smith because she said that they can stay for today. Then the housekeeper had a plan. That night the housekeeper told to Albert’s parents that Mrs Smith has been doing very bad things with Albert. What sort of things asked Albert’s parents. The housekeeper said that Albert had to do cleaning the whole day and won’t get enough sleep and used to get food only one time a day just then Mrs Smith heard everything and said the housekeeper is lying and even Albert was there and he also said that the housekeeper is lying and then Mrs Smith did fire the housekeeper and Albert went to his home the next day.


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