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Nordic Workshop Series: The future of career education in the Nordic countries and self-governing areas

The workshop series ‘The future of career education in the Nordic countries and self-governing areas’ provided scholars in the Nordic region an opportunity to conduct an in-depth exploration of the theme of career education.

The outcomes of this collaborative effort showed that career education within the Nordic region is highly prioritized, and in most cases, the field is regulated by advanced legislation encompassing various activities. However, notable differences in the implementation of these activities were identified. In certain countries/areas, significant challenges are associated with implementation. Consequently, pupils in compulsory education across the Nordic region are faced with diverse prospects for receiving support in envisioning their future, including acquiring knowledge about different careers and testing themselves in various career contexts.

This underscores the imperative for further research in the field of career education within the Nordic region. For example, inquiries into the subjective perceptions of students regarding career activities, the concrete outcomes derived from such activities, and the competencies required by counselors and teachers to successfully carry out these activities. An examination of the root causes of challenges encountered during implementation is needed. This includes comprehending the interplay between policy formulations and implementation processes.

Future research in career education would gain valuable insights by employing a comparative approach. Through a systematic analysis of similarities and differences across multiple levels, a detailed comprehension of the factors that impact the results of specific strategies is acquired. This allows for the exploration of different outcomes from seemingly similar strategies in different countries/areas. To discern the reasons for these different results on one level it is crucial to identify how the countries/areas differ at other levels. This furnishes valuable answers and insights for informed decision-making. This is evident in published results where articles compare legislation and curriculum on career education (Einarsdóttir et al., 2023), and investigate the phenomenon of work experience placements across countries (Kettunen et al., 2023; Eshaghbeigi-Hosseini, forthcoming).

For this reason and due to career education being an important and emerging area of research the network continues its collaboration. The project has also led to analyses of the compulsory career education system in each country/area. These analyses are presented in articles, allowing other researchers in the field to gain insight into the different systems within the Nordic region (Kettunen, 2024; Rosvall & Eshaghbeigi-Hosseini, 2023; Røise & Mathiesen, 2024; Thomsen et al., 2024).

The achievements of the project

The third face-to-face meeting in our NOS-HS workshop series The future of career education in the Nordic countries and self-governing areas was organised on October 24 and 25th in Copenhagen. We focused on the achievements of the project so far including summing up the articles for the special issue. 

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