2017 - 2019 Erasmus+ (Young tourism: listen and discover) with Germany (Fritzlar), Italy (San Miniato), Spain (Montijo) and Poland (Wroclaw)

2017 - 2019 Erasmus+ (Young tourism: listen and discover) with Germany (Fritzlar), Italy (San Miniato), Spain (Montijo) and Poland (Wroclaw)

Erasmus+ -project is an exchange project which is financed by the European Commission. It lasts for two years and the main coordinator of our project is from Germany. The name of the project is Young tourism: listen and discover. Youngsters make audio guide presentations on local cultural destinations in each five countries. After the project tourists and local people can use the audio guides which will be available in addition to English in the five languages involved in the project. The countries that participate in this project are Germany (Fritzlar), Finland (Laitila), Poland (Wroclaw), Italy (San Miniato) and Spain (Montijo).

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