Text 1

Text 1 Key Homework

1b p. 12

  1. b
  2. a
  3. a
  4. b
  5. a
  6. a
  7. b
  8. b
  9. b
  10. b


1c p. 13

  1. it must have looked pretty weird
  2. far more terrifying
  3. our neighbour across the street
  4. that's what I had been told by family members
  5. obligated to say such things
  6. wasn't good enough for Harvard
  7. after carefully reviewing your application
  8. in the event that
  9. a life or death situation
  10. a safe distance away from oncoming traffic
  11. all my hard work had actually paid off
  12. in typical Harvard fashion
  13. they were too busy cheering
  14. giggling with delight while reading it
  15. turned the page


1d p. 13

  1. pays off
  2. I wasn’t smart enough
  3. obligated to say so
  4. across the street
  5. review my application
  6. far more terrifying/frightening/scary
  7. a life or death situation / a matter of life or death
  8. in the event that / in case
  9. in his typical grim fashion
  10. laughing with joy/delight