9G Discuss!

Give your opinion on two of these topics. You can also consider the questions given in exercise 9G. Also, when the discussion has begun, you can comment on the things someone else has already said. Please leave your name in brackets after your comment. 

1. Frugal people come to school by bike/bicycle.
- I don't think so. I think the biggest reason is feeling better in their own body. (Anna)
-people who like to do sports come to school by bike. (sade)

2. Parents aren’t good at teaching the value of a dollar / money.
- I disagree. Parents have been in many different situations with controlling finances so they have valuable experience. (Eeva) 

3. Cut expenses. Don’t buy anything.
- Buy only if you really need it. Especially, when you love out of the home (Silja)

-I argee with Silja. (Ejan)
-Buy what you need. But think before buying, do you really need it/ to buy it? (Ronja)

4. When it comes to / As for money, you will/can always get more of it.
I disagree, money isn't grew a tree (Marikki)

5. An extravagant way of life has a bad ending / ends badly.
- At some point of a life an extravagant person will face a moment when she/he doesn´t get as much income as she/he has used to. (Eeva) 
- If you know that you will always have enough money to live extravagant life, I don't see problem with that. (Jasper)

6. It’s nice to be in debt.
-I don’t agree. I think it’s heavy. (Silja)
- I assume that nobody thinks like that, because being in debt will always cause you trouble. (Jasper)
- I agree with both of you. What kind of problems can you have if you are in debt? (teacher)
-Being in debt really depends on where the debt came. Sure if you would live in a dream world you never would have to be in debt but nowdays its almost inevitable to not be on debt. Houses, cars, studies all costs so much in todays world and its ok to take a small loan for them as long as you are sure that you can pay it back. Its not ideal to be in debt but in my opinion its not the end of the world either. You just have to be sure that its for something good and useful not for a night out with friends or something like that. (Nelli)

7. You can always work out a deal about/on/involving pocket money with your parents.

-Yeah, I think so. (Ejan)
-I agree with Ejan (Marikki)

8. Spend money wisely. 
 -Don`t buy in a hurry. (Ida)
 -Take a note of everything you buy so you know where you spend most of your money.(sade)
 - I agree. It's wise to use money sparingly (maisa)
 - You can buy 1 hoodie that costs 300e or couple of hoodies that costs the same total. You choose, only one hoodie or maybe four. (saara) 
9. If you don’t earn much with your work, it’s not worth doing it.
-The more experience you have the more easier it becomes to get a well paying job. So every job opportunity you get you should take. (Elli) 
-Every work is important. (Ida)
- I agree with Ida. Every work is important. (maisa)
10.  The young shouldn’t overspend / live beyond their means.
- It's true because that habit could follow to the adulthood (Anna)
- I agree with Anna I think you should only spend money if you can afford it yourself. Borrowing and lending money can lead to problems. (Elli)
- These are valid points, girls! What do the others think? (teacher)
-I agree that Young people shouldn’t spend money especially money what they don’t have. I think the problem in our current world is that they get it too easy with all of these sites that provides small loans with huge interest. Most people dont even realise the amount of debt they will get in to at the time, they only see easy way to get money. These sites doesn't even take much to give out a loan thats what makes them so desired but at the same time so bad. (Nelli)
-Yeah it's true, young people is hard get job and money becose young peoople keep be in school (Marikki)
-Always think what you really need. (Ronja)