Test yourself 9.


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Täydennä vihjeen mukaan kestomuodossa.

Hello, it is Mrs Davies speaking.
Hi, Mum! It's Keira.
Keira, dear! What you all week? (Mitä olet tehnyt)
Well, I really hard. (Olen opiskellut)
Dan as hard as you have? (Onko... työskennellyt)
No, he . He football day and night. (Ei ole; on pelannut)
So, he the books as he said he would! (Ei ole lukenut)
Oh, Mum, don't you worry about that. Dan will be fine. But what about you and Dad? you the peace and quiet now that we aren't there? (Oletteko nautiskelleet)
Yes, we . I my favourite shows on TV, and your dad all kinds of new things. (Olemme; olen katsellut; on keksinyt (invent))
I'm happy to hear that, Mum. Anyway, I have to go now, I'll talk to you later, OK?
OK, Keira. Keep working hard, I love you!

Kirjaudu sisään lähettääksesi tämän lomakkeen

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