Grammar 10.


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Tom was in hurry. He had just stepped out of plane, which had flown him from Pakistan back to good old USA. reason why tom had to move quickly was that he was late meeting. Tom's wife Caroline had sent Tom urgent massage, asking him to return home. Tom was just about to start fourweek vacation at foot of Himalayas. Caroline hadn't been more specific as to Tom should cancel trip without even glimpse of Mount Everest. Of course, being perfect gentleman and husband, Tom did as he was told. On plane, flying at 30,000 feet over Pacific Ocean, Tom had tried to phone his wife, but had got no answer. ''No news is good news'', Tom thought to himself, although he was starting to feel bit worried. When his lauggage arrvied, he grabbed it and went straight through customs. Tom started looking for available cab but all he saw was empty parking lot. Not vehicle in sight, not to mention any cabs. ''Just my luck'', sighed Tom, but at that very moment he noticed empty-looking cab turning round corner and coming his way. ''Stop! STOP!'' shouted Tom and managed to catch attention of driver, young man with his arms covered in bright tattoos. Tom gave driver his address and leaned back in back seat of worn-out cab. air inside cab was dense with tobacco smoke and small air freshener driver had hanging from rear view mirror didn't help to clear smell. ''Can I open window?'' Tom asked driver. ''Sure, no problem!'' answered young man. fresh air started to fill cab as it approached address Tom had given driver. Finally home! Tom grabbed his luggage and headed towards front door. Just as he was about to knock, door opened and Caroline stepped out. Tom looked at his wife, his eyes wide with shock. "What is this? How is this possible?" he stammered when he saw that... Yes indeed, what did Tom see?

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