

- I (1) olen kuullut that you (2) olet ollut away for some time.
- Yes, I (3) olen . My cousin and I (4) olemme aina halunneet to travel to Canada and so we (5) päätimme to fly to Montreal and stay there for a couple of weeks.
- How (6) saitte the money for the trip?
- We both (7) työskentelimme hard during our summer holiday and we also (8) säästimme all the pocket money our parents (9) antoivat us.
- But (10) eikö se ollut terribly expensive?
- No, not very. We (11) olimme suunnitelleet the trip carefully and found out about cheap flights on the internet in advance. We also (12) valitsimme a cheap hotel so we (13) ei tarvinnut spend too much money on accommodation either. We (14) olimme myös ostaneet a good travel guide where we (15) pystyimme löytämään information about reasonably priced restaurants and sights.
- (16) Puhuitteko English all the time?
- Most of the time. We also (17) yritimme to speak French in shops, cafés and restaurants because Montreal (18) on a bilingual city. It (19) oli beautiful there and all the people we (20) tapasimme (21) olivat so nice and friendly.
- Well, that (22) kuulostaa great. I'd like to go there, too. It's a pity that my best friend (23) ei pidä flying. He usually (24) menee everywhere by train.
- Why (25) ette mene on a tour of Europe by train then? First, take a ferry to Sweden and then travel by train to central and southern Europe...
- That's a good idea. There (26) on lots of places in Europe I (27) en ole vieraillut yet. I think I (28) aion soittaa my friend right away.
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