Germany in September 2009

Summary of the meeting

Aims and methods for the first working period:

-get children to know the house
- find information about the house( internet, magazines, books, people)
- start to produce a poster about the house

METHODS: Each school can choose the methods which are the best for the pupils’ age and the house
- Children tell their knowledge about the building
- Children find out more information about the building from the internet, magazines…
- Visiting the building,
- Taking photos, making pictures/drawings
- Interviewing people who have knowledge about the house
- A story of the house (the facts!)
- A fiction story about the house (based on the information known)  teacher translates one story of the house ‘
- Diary about the work (of each house)  maybe a big sheet on the wall for each class, so the children can follow the process
- Sketch-book for bigger pupils (kind of a diary for each)
- An article about the project for the local paper or school’s bulletin (bigger pupils)

D: What should each school bring to the next meeting?
Each school will provide material on one house or more for each partner school. To France you bring the start baggage which should include:
- Photos of the house
- Stories about the houses (translated)
- Diary (just to show for the others, will be taken back home after meeting),
- A copy of the local paper with the article written by pupils

Along with these you should also bring:
- Maths books and notebook of the 1st and 5th grade (next time there will be books on other subject).  If it’s too expensive to bring books for everybody, just bring an example for the other countries to see it.