
My experience in a host family (luonnos)

So my host family picked me up from a hotel where the teacher were staying. They were nice to me at the very beginning and I was hopeful for a nice week with this family. The family included my host of course and her parents. My host´s name was Eleni and she was a year younger than me I think. There was another exchange student with me. Her name was Ruby and she was from Martinique. She was a complete opposite of me: extroverted, social, outgoing and nice. Despite our differences we got along pretty well.

So how did the week go? I´ll tell you.

First day went well. I hanged out with Eleni and Ruby after the school activities. Nothing really interesting happened on monday, we just peacefully played board games and that was nice. The night didn’t go so well though. I woke up at the middle of the night at 5 am feeling like i was going to throw up. I didn’t barf though and I felt better soon. I went back to sleep and that was day 1.

Day 2 went kinda better I think. After the school activities we went to the beach with pretty much the whole erasmus project group. It was fun for a while hanging out with new different people. Later my host came to me and asked if I wanted to go shopping. “Hell yes”, I said. So we went shopping with a small girl group. But then I started to feel something. I felt left out. Sure I was there and I was spending time with them, but couldn’t help, but feel that nobody wanted me to be there. No one talked to me and I just followed my crew like a little sister. I know should’ve got out of my shell and been more social, but that’s extremetly hard for me. I know I’m more talkative when someone else starts a conversation, I mean A LOT more talkative. I just needed someone to talk to. Anyways that was the second day.

Third day went like this:

We visited Symi, which is of of Greece’s islands. On this trip we mostly hang out with our finnish group. And hanging out with them is one of my dearest memories of this trip. I literally didn’t think we got so well along together since we have never talked before this whole project. When we got back from Symi, it was quite late, like half past six. We went home and soon later we went to pizza restaurant with other host families. There was only people from Greece and Martinique. And then there was me. Lonely finnish girl who didn’t know what was going on. Since everybody only talked to their friends, I was once again left alone. I didn’t want to bother them so I just stayed quiet the whole hour and a half. “I can’t wait to go home”, I repeated myself.

Day four went fine. I talked with my finnish friends and spoke about our experiences in our host families. First one said, that they went to escape room and had a wonderful time. Second hanged out with their host in the old town at midnight. Third one we’re best friends with their host at the first sight. I was jealous. I felt a little envy.

Anyways, we went to Lindos and once again spent the time in there with my friends and I had a great time.

After the day we went shopping again. And it was quite boring actually. We only went clothes shopping and don’t get me wrong I love shopping for clothes, but visiting 15 different shops is tiring. We were so late outside and I was so damn tired that my host family mother had to bring me home early. I was actually quite relieved. Later that night hanged out with my host family. Me and Ruby mostly talked about our families. It was really chill and nice and it’s probably the best memory of my host family.

Fifth and last day. We got a tour of the Old Town and it was quite interesting. Then we visited the Butterflies’ Valley and after that we went to the Filerimos Hill. It was really beautiful and really enjoyed visiting both of them. Oh, and when we were in the bus, people were blasting music really loud and I actually didn’t mind it at all. I actually really enjoyed it. I don’t know it was fun.

After the school activities we went back home. Actually a funny thing happened that afternoon. My host family’s mom asked me if I was going to pack now. I said sure. Then she said:

“These are from our family to your family.”

She started to give me gifts like honey, salad spices, caramels and ALCOHOL. She told me to give the alcohol to my parents.

“As if”, I thought to myself.

I was really grateful for the presents and I thanked a lot.

Then i was in my room doing nothing for 4 hours.

At around half past six we went to the goodbye party. I like how literally everybody else was crying except us finnish people. We looked so emotionless. And that was the last day.

I had good time in Rhodes, but I was really glad that we went back home on Saturday. The whole week was amazing and a unique experience and I’m really grateful for being part of this project. Even though I didn’t really get to know my host family so well, I’m really grateful for them. I mean they took care of a stranger for a whole week. Thank you for the week and I hope we meet again.

My room host’s home

The house where I lived for a week

- Siiri Parkkonen käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä