3rd TPM Meeting, Poland

Tehtävät ennen seuraavaa kokousta ja loppuvuoden aikana

Ennen Saksan vierailua:

-oppitunnin suunnittelu. Kohderyhmänä 8 vuotiaat kolmasluokkalaiset, joita on 20.
-mietitään oma ehdotuksemme oppilaiden valinnasta Italiaan 5/2017
-tarkistetaan omat oppitunnit sekä niiden raportointi
-viedään suomenkieliset sanat Jouluyö, juhlayö -lauluun
-tuliaiset isännille

Vuoden loppuun:

-4 oppituntia suunnitelmineen sekä raportteineen google driveen
-myös arviointilomakkeet tulee joko täyttää tai sekä suunnitella että täyttää (voi käyttää valmiitakin)
-yhteinen tapaaminen verkossa 12.-16.12. Aiheena ehdotettu: Jouluyö, juhlayö eri kielillä. Meillä suomeksi, englanniksi sekä jollain kolmannella kielellä?
-alustavaa pohdintaa: mikä on yhteinen projektimme oppilaille Italian vierailua varten - esimerkiksi musiikkiesitys

Lucillan kokoamat tehtävät :

TPM “CONTEST" 12th / 16th September 2016 Zychlin (Poland)

13th September Topics of the meeting:

( IO) INTELLECTUAL OUTPUT : The partners checked the list of teaching plans in the Google Drive of the project. The group defined to complete the uploading of the teaching plans related to the activity performed in Croatia, then to start producing the connected assessment grids and the final test.

The group decided that the minimum amount of teaching plans to be produced is 4 (including the activities performed in Croatia and Germany) and they MUST BE uploaded in the common Drive. DEADLINE December 31st, 2016. The activities should be completed with videos/pictures explaining them, linked assessment grids.

ASSESSMENT GRIDS: the partners discussed and approved the assessment grids which had been sent during the previous days (a mingled group of products: 1. self-assessment (suggested ongoing and/or final) ; 2. peer assessment (ongoing); 3. a semi-structured test to propose to the students at the end of the planned period (it will be checked and assessed by the teacher) and the corresponding assessment grid; 4. a cross-curricular objectives grid completed by teachers at the beginning and at the end of the planned teaching activity).

The partners agreed to simplify and adapt, if necessary, the list of descriptors in the cross-curricular assessment grids to the possible personalized teaching plan of the Special Education Needs students.

Because of the variety and the differences between the SEN students the project group considers it not possible to propose a unique grid to adapt to all the SEN situations. They believe it is necessary to adapt the teaching activity and its assessment to the time needed by the child, so as to the use of different spaces. Consequently it will be necessary to propose a personalized assessment.

Then the assessment grid proposed by Romania during the Finnish meeting has been examined. It is a good but quite complex tool to be used by stakeholders: it has to be simplified. The Romanian team will do it as the project needs a feedback from outside.

ONLINE MEETINGS: The group agreed to fix a list of possible online meetings between students of the partner schools to take place from the 12th to the 16th December 2016. The proposed activity is to sing the song “Silent night” in each mother tongue in order to produce a multilingual version to share. In Germany the partners will exchange the lyrics and the audio samples of the songs.

TC in Germany: organization of a draft program of the activities. Combination of German classes/ partner countries to perform a 20 minutes teaching activity on Thursday October 6th . The partners should communicate the subject dealt with and the materials needed . DEADLINE : 26th September 2016.

Inclusion in German classes……

13th and 14th SEPTEMBER

BRAIN STORMING : possible labs and inclusive activities in Italy: the partners propose some ideas to be shared and defined i Germany. A folder in the Google Drive is added to upload proposals and ideas to be consulted before going to Germany, in order to shorten the time to decide the performance to produce.

STUDENTS COMING TO ITALY: in Germany the partner groups will define the groups and the Special Education Need students present in Italy in order to better define the teaching activities to propose for the final event.

TPM in HUNGARY: the teams analyzed the different meeting possibilities and the school calendars of each school in order to fix a common date. As no agreement was possible , we postpone the decision to the German meeting.

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