
Week 4 - listening comprehensions, vocabulary test and grammar test

Happy Halloween, everyone!

This week, we will be wrapping up the basic tenses (perusaikamuodot) and have a little test on them on Wednesday. We will also have a vocabulary test on last week's words (Humanitarian Day). In addition to the afore-mentioned activities, this week's English lessons are going to be dedicated to improving your listening skills. Your week project (historical comic book) will also be made in English, so it will be a part of your English studies this week.

Monday (1-5)/Tuesday (6-10): future & the conditionals & the if clauses + a listening exercise

Wednesday (all the teams): grammar revision and grammar test (tenses)

Friday (all the teams): vocabulary test (UN Humanitarian Day & irregular verbs n-w) & listening comprehension exercises

Here's the link to the listening exercises (Halloween theme - surprise, surprise :D): http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/word-street/halloween

Next week, instead of a vocabulary test, we will have two listening comprehension tests on sanomapro.fi (Kompassi-kokeet)

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