13 - 17 May

This week's agenda

- revising topic 11 & studying the rest of topic 10 How to get rich
- topic 13 "The entrepreneur inside you"
- self-studying in the grammar section: adjective + preposition


Monday ENA06.f & Tuesday ENA06.e:

- vocabulary revision, topic 10 Quizlet LIVE: https://quizlet.com/_4vsw8c
- A/B translation handout (topic 10) and the infinitive & the -ing form A/B
- how to write a summary & writing a summary of the text (exercise 10E) & checking it
- (the last ones of the video applications with the teacher)
- do exercises 10G, 10H, and 10I

Help for revising the words in topic 11 (banking and the economy):
Vocabulary practice: https://www.businessenglishsite.com/business-english-vocabulary.html
Reading comprehension: https://www.businessenglishsite.com/readingcomprehension/
Business English -related exercises: https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/business-english


- the second reading comprehension and structures test
- remember to study topic 13 for the test


- checking the summary exercise (topic 10)
- grammar revision exercises in pairs: all the pronouns (handout), the infinitive & the -ing form A/B (handout) and adjectives + prepositions

- tuning into topic 13: 13A & 13B as warm-up
- 13C: tips for an aspiring entrepreneur
- going through the vocabulary & pronunciation practice
- trying to make sense of the quiz and its result: listen and answer as you are listening
- 13E...

Thursday - no lesson (ENA06.e)


- the second reading comprehension and structures test


- course exam next Tuesday

- course exam next Wednesday

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