Die digitalen Werkzeuge im Projekt

Link zur Videokonferenz Freitag 2.10.2020 

Chat-Script Auszug der Videokonferenz vom Freitag, den 2.10.2020

[19:22] Ferron : As a headmaster, I have learnt many elements about cooperation, tolerance, human and digital communication.
[19:24] Ferron : It gave my lycee a new vision of Europe, a new vision of education and of a togetherness
[19:25] Ferron : My teachers are eager to reestablish links with you all.
[19:26] Ferron : French families are ready to welcome your colleagues and students again!
[19:27] Ferron : Our aim is to be back on exchanges in 2021!
[19:27] Ferron : and finland!
[19:32] Joash Knight : I am only a classroom teacher and have not been in a position to influence any major changes. I went on one small trip to Frankfurt. However, on reflection of my own teaching... one of the things I have taken back with me is how well the students in early years were encouraged to take responsibility not only for their own learning but also for controlling their behaviour and being responsible for their peers behaviour. This is something I still wish to encourage for my younger students. The focus of my trip was STEM subjects. I also was impressed by some teachers using new technology such as a tablet. This partially inspired me to buy an ipad at the start of the epidemic and I have been using it to good effect. Students in my school have given me good feedback saying that this helped them especially well.
[19:34] Ferron : As a teacher, the use of digital devices has changed my vision of teaching (mobile phone for example)
[19:38] Ferron : Another thing: it encourages a lot of teachers to go abroad (even people who were not bilingual).
[19:40] Ferron : It also helped French pupils from Lamballe to open their minds to other cultures and other countries.
[19:47] Ferron : To take part in an Erasmus+ programme has an influence on the integration of our students in high level  schools in France (engineering schools / commerce...)
[19:49] Ferron : This experience is definitely an advantage for any student taking part in An Erasmus + programme
[19:51] Aly Briggs : The Erasmus experience formed a significant point of discussion for our students when applying to university.
[19:54] Ferron : Yes we have to continue to work together!


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