FLUIDUM (Fit for Lifelong Learning through Teaching with Innovative and Digital Teaching Methods) was a three-year project between schools from Germany, England, Finland, France, Poland and Hungary.

The aim of this project was to exchange and collect modern, innovative and digitally supported teaching methods with the inclusion and use of modern and digital learning platforms. With the help of these methods, the students of the six participating schools were not only to be optimally prepared for the Abitur and the choice of career, but also to be familiarized with learning techniques already at school, which would enable them to independently acquire new knowledge on their further studies and career path.

The basis of this "fitness" is provided by skills such as reading competence, foreign language skills, a good knowledge of the MINT sector and important social skills such as self-competence or teamwork. One project year was dedicated to each of the three major areas (languages, MINT, career orientation), focusing on those methods that were particularly good at conveying this content.

Each project year started with a planning meeting, during which the participating teachers and students presented and exchanged methods which had already been applied. In addition, methodological input was provided, partly by external speakers.

In the course of the project year, students were able to observe the application of the newly learned methods in the context of short-term exchanges and then test them in the respective schools during the project year.

At the evaluation meetings the tested methods were evaluated and, if necessary, newly discovered methods were added during the project year. The collection of the methods was partly done in a methods blog on the project website (https://fluidumerasmus.blogspot.com/p/blog-page.html), but was also reflected in method curricula, which were further developed in the schools by working groups.

In addition to the collection of methods, the project also led to three bilateral school partnerships and to exchanges of pupils in the field of foreign languages, which are already institutionalized and enjoy great popularity.

In the field of vocational orientation, in addition to the exchange of methods and the creation of a catalog of materials for successful vocational preparation, the project also focused on local and international instruments of vocational orientation such as the “Berufswahlpass Hessen” (Choice of Work Passport in Hessen) or the “Europapass” (European Passport).

Furthermore, the participating students were able to complete small work placements during the short-term exchanges and thus got to know the working world in another country and gained international experience in the field of career orientation.

Although the project was primarily intended for the exchange between teachers, the experience and feedback of the students was very valuable, in addition to their expertise as experts in methodology in the selection of methods. The decision to involve students in this project has proven to be correct.

During the three years of the project, many teachers have learned about and tested new digitally supported methods, either through direct exchange or through the dissemination of the methods in the student councils and teachers' panels.

Unfortunately, the third project year was strongly affected by the SARS - Covid pandemic. Especially the final collection of the methods and their evaluation could not take place as planned, both at school and project level, because all participants were busy coping with the new teaching situation and the final meeting could not take place.

However, this very special time is probably also a very good proof for the success of our project. As a result, colleagues in all schools were already familiar with digital methods, had already worked on digital learning platforms and were thus able to cope very well with the new challenges.

The success of the project is also reflected in the fact that the participating schools enjoy a good reputation at the local level, mainly due to the experiences and results of the project, which can be seen for example in the increased number of students registered or, in countries where a ranking is common, in a better ranking.