
West Kirby Grammar School is a successful grammar school for girls aged 11 -18. It is situated in West Kirby, a small, quiet town on the Wirral peninsula, 15 km from Liverpool.

Most pupils live nearby, but some come from Chester and also North Wales. The school has a long tradition and celebrates its centenary in 2013. The school has over 1200 pupils including 400 in the Sixth form (the final two years). Boys are also admitted to the Sixth form.

The curriculum offers an academic choice of subjects. Most students go on to university to continue their education. The school places much value on its work with schools in other countries. Our work with foreign schools has been recognised and we have been awarded the International School award twice by the British Council. We have several partner schools and each year a small group takes part in a European conference. This year we are developing a partnership with a school in India and also work with a school in China which we support by fund-raising.

West Kirby Grammar School Official Website