
About school uniforms

Use of school uniforms by country

Why would you want to make children wear school uniforms, anyway?

With controversy about policing students’ clothing from the U.S. to Zambia, one might question the wisdom of requiring school uniforms in the first place. But there are various arguments in favor of uniforms:

Of course, there are also potential downsides. Uniforms restrict students’ opportunity to express themselves. Most importantly, school uniforms will not solve the most fundamental challenges with quality education.

Do free school uniforms help children stay in school? (worldbank.org)

School uniforms around the world

Uganda Indonesia girls Nepal Bolivia Japan older Ukraine
Abu Dhabi Indonesia boys Malaysia Turkey Japan younger India 1
Tonga Australia Thailand China Japan India 2
Bhutan Sri Lanka Sri Lanka South Africa Myanmar Kenya
UK girls  UK boys  UK older UK Spain Nigeria
Mexico North Korea Vietnam Ghana Cuba alakoulu Cuba yläkoulu

Eton college (koulumaksu noin 60 000 € vuodessa, koulu ulkoa), 

Classrooms around the world

Syria (sotatilanne) Uganda Brazil Nigeria
Mosul, Irak Pakistan Florida, USA Brazil
Bangladesh pakolaisleiri China Côte d'Ivoire Chile
South Sudan (pakolaisleiri) Ukraine Malaysia UK

National Parks

Uskomattomia, mutta oikeita eläinten adoptiotarinoita

Lähde: 18 Kind Animals That Adopted Other Species (brightside.me)

Albert the sheep and Themba the elephant

After 6-month-old elephant cub Themba was orphaned and left by her herd, the workers of Shamwari Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre in South Africa decided to save her life. At first, Albert the sheep was a little aggressive toward this stranger, but later his heart melted and he became the baby elephant’s friend and mentor.

Owen the hippo and Mzee the turtle
In Kenya, a little baby hippo was saved after being isolated from his family during a severe tsunami. The 650-pound cub was given the name Owen and was placed in an aviary with a 130-year-old turtle named Mzee. At first, Mzee didn’t like its new neighbor, but later Mzee turned into Owen’s mentor for 2 years.

Sai Mai the tigress and her piglets

A tigress in a Thai zoo that once was nurtured by a pig, became a mother to several piglets after she had lost her own babies that were born premature.

Niv the macaque monkey and a chicken

A black macaque monkey named Niv lives in an Israeli zoo in the city of Ramat Gan. Niv couldn’t find a companion among its own species and started taking care of a chicken from a neighboring cage. Niv coddles the bird that always runs to him when it’s feeling scared and is seeking shelter. Sometimes, the bird even stays overnight.

Tita the cat and a squirrel cub
A resident of Colombia, Ruben Gaviria, rescued a wounded squirrel cub and presented it to his cat that was breastfeeding her own kittens at the time. The cat accepted the squirrel as one of her own and the squirrel got his strength back pretty quickly.

13. Kamunyak the lioness and oryx calves (keihäsantilooppi)
The lioness Kamunyak (’blessed one’) has adopted about 6 oryx calves since she had killed the mother of one of the cubs during a hunt. The lioness couldn’t breastfeed the weak calves so she called on humans for help. She let them feed the babies under her guidance. Unfortunately, the lioness couldn’t protect all “her calves” from being attacked by another lions.


Marquis the cat and puppies
A brave cat rescued 6 puppies last winter in Anapa. Not only did she keep them warm, but she was also catching mice for them to eat. A big family was accidentally discovered by volunteers and today both puppies and the cat have found their forever homes.

Ruby the dog and ’Edgar’s mission’
There are many amazing animals living in an Australian center called ’Edgar’s mission.’This center rescues animals that have suffered from harsh abuse by humans or that have inborn illnesses.Ruby the dog lives there among these animals. Ruby has been living at the center since 2009 and has helped many orphaned cubs adjust and get back to a normal life. She became a mother to piglets, calves, a pony, etc. Ruby performs the job of a true vet nurse at the center.

DoDo the chimpanzee and Aorn the tiger cub
DoDo — a 2-year-old chimpanzee from Samut Prakan Crocodile Farm and Zoo in Bangkok became friends with a tiger cub and started to take care of it. The monkey became a real stand-in parent for the little tiger and was even feeding milk from a bottle to Aorn, completely unaware that this little creature will soon grow into a huge predator.

Summer the rabbit and kittens
When a veterinary nurse brought home 6 orphaned kittens, she didn’t expect her rabbit Summer to befriend them. Thinking that Summer was their mother, the kittens started to climb all over her trying to nurse. Though the rabbit couldn’t help nurse them, still she became a good friend to the kittens.

Bonedigger the lion and Milo the dachshund
A lioness rejected her lion cub at the Exotic Animal Park in Wynnewood, Oklahoma. As it turned out later, she did it because of her osteoporosis and the workers of the zoo decided to move the baby to a different spot in the zoo with Milo the dachshund. Milo took the her new job of raising a lion cub very seriously. Additionally, 2 more dachshunds were involved in taking care of Bonedigger and they also managed to develop a common language with the lion.

Noah the pigeon and rabbits
A couple of orphaned rabbits were brought to a rehabilitation center in Texas after a dog attack. A pigeon named Noah, who also needed treatment, was already there and started to take care of the little rabbits. The rabbits grew strong quickly and since then Noah has been entrusted to take care of a baby deer and a baby squirrel.

Pretinha the dog and opossum cubs
After their family was attacked in Brazil, these newborn opossums, that hadn’t even opened their eyes yet, were orphaned. That’s when her dog Pretinha came to the rescue — not only was she feeding them and keeping them warm, but she was also carrying them on her back.

Kapa and Asya the pugs and tiger cubs

2 pugs adopted 4 tiger cubs at Oktyabrsky Health Resort Zoo in Sochi, Russia. The tigers had already been rejected by their mom who had rejected her other offspring twice. Not only did the dogs help their own puppies grow strong, but also their striped adoptees.