Together we are more! Building a green future Nordplus Project

A Finn and a Norwegian made a Nordplus application and they became Yränes Enemene! Funny anecdotes about Swedes are told in Finland, Norwegian comedians publish insightfully funny comments about Nordic traits on their TikTok channel. The Nordic countries are highly skilled in winter sports; in skiing, ice hockey. But how do we really know each other?

More together! Building a sustainable future is a Nordic cooperation project whose goal is to increase student participation and teach future skills, strengthen Nordic cultural identity through language and cultural education, raise learners to become global citizens for a sustainable future, and strengthen and unify teachers' professional skills.

In the project, the students act as experts in their own culture, plan, operate, share and evaluate multi- and wide-ranging learning units, through which they become familiar with their own and Nordic cultural heritage. Students get first-hand experience of the importance of domestic internationalism and international cooperation, learn to appreciate their own and neighboring countries' cultural heritage, and grow to be part of the northern community.

Teachers participate in expert exchange, with team teaching, interaction, cooperation projects and the exchange of experiences, teachers' professionalism increases and pedagogy develops. All schools have their own special area of ​​expertise, from which others can learn.