Europahaus Aurich kuulutus "Call for Partners" 22.-26.05.2017

Olemme mukana. Lähtijät Reetta, Ella ja Liisa.
"Dear friends, partnerorganisation,

The Europahaus in Aurich would like to organize a training course for young adults, who are interested to be involved in Erasmus+ projects as assistant leaders.

Please read the „call for partners“. The participants should be at least 18 years old and interested about European Union and leading youth groups.

The training will be held between 22.-26.05.2017. We can take 2-3 Persons/organisation. Please note, that the travel support for Erasmus+ trainings is better than in youth meetings (e.g. Finland, Poland, UK, Spain 275,00€)

The fee for the programm and accommodation is 200,00€ / Person.

In case you are interested, please send me the „form to be filled by partners“ by e-mail and the „mandate template“ either as a PDF or by post till 23rd of September 2016.

( / Pirjo Niskanen, Europahaus Aurich, Von-Jhering-Str. 33, 26603 Aurich, Germany) Call for partners_training 2017.pdf​"