Muijala school

Muijala school is a primary school in Lohja about 50 km west of Helsinki. In our school we have about 170 children aged from 7 to 13 years.

Our school is a learning community where every learner, a child as well as an adult, is willing to groe and educate himself on the basis of his own capacity together with the others. Openness towards the society and co-operation with external partners provide the framework for School.

The values of Muijala school are responsibility, trust, individuality and inclusion. Shared leadership, co-operation, teamwork and continuous improvement are important for us.

School planning in a team of teachers and an architect started in 1995. The school was built in 1997 next to a small day-care center. The guiding principle for the plans of Muijala Primary School was how the school premises could support learning. In the oldest part the classrooms are built open, like a fan aroud the library without one wall.

Over the years the school expanded into extensions.

Nummenkylä Primary School, a small village school, was linked with Muijala School in 2005.

Literacy has always been in the center of learning in MUijala School. Muijala School has taken part as a pilot school in a national reading project Lukuinto 2013-2015. Teachers in Muijala School have educated themselves further in teaching reading and literacy. The have also trained other teachers in Lohja and Southern Finland.

School library with ICT in the centre of the building shows the importance of learning.

ICT and robotics
Muijala school has been a pilot also in ICT-project in Lohja. Teachers of our school have trained other in Lohja.

Tähän kuva

School council elect representatives from each class.