The First Project Year

My experience from our C1-meeting in Kotka was totally awesome. I really enjoyed the meeting.
- The questionairies' results were very intresting and cool.
- For me teh dance was pretty easy but i bet it wasn't so easy to the polish and german people.
- Dictionaires were intresting because then I saw how hard finnish language is.
- The discussion wasn't so nice for our guests because the people didn't speak very good english.
- I think the Kotka sightseeing wasn't so good except the Vellamo visit.
- Koivula visit was very interesting and great because it taught me much about the immigration
- Vellamo visit was great I think our guests liked it much.
- The day in Helsinki was good except our bus broke in the middle of Vantaa.
- The lesson videos were great!
- The evening at Luovi was so fun. We had great time in the sauna.
- Sports day was fun and exhausting!
- Hosting was great.