ENA8B schedule

27.11 Wednesday: Looked at Fall 2019 test and did the register clash and the "Mitä työstä vaaditaan"
Homework: Read Macbeth Act 1, sc.1-4
2.12 Monday: Fall Listening 2017 matriculation exam
3.12 Tuesday: Macbeth ppt, and Act 1, sc.1-3
4.12 Wednesday Level F, Unit 6, grammar, p. 257-264 all exercises

9.12 Monday Spring Listening 2017
10.12 Tuesday- Finish Act 1, Watch up to 15.53 min of Orson Welles. discuss assessment week
11.12 Wednesday Level F, Unit 7, grammar 266-269 https://yle.fi/aihe/artikkeli/2015/12/15/treenaa-englantia-rakenne-ja-sanasto
Do relative pronouns. Watch Orson Welles version until 23.40

16.12 Monday Quiz on Macbeth Act 1. Continue Act 2. Watch until min 32 and read Act 2, sc. 1 in detail
17.12 Tuesday:  Finish Act 2, watching and reading
18.12 Wednesday Level F, Unit 8 (we only have half an hour of class so just enough for the quiz): 13.30-14.15 is the Christmas party in Central Park


7.1 Tuesday: NO CLASS
8.1 Wednesday: Act 2 quiz, start Act 3 (finish scene 1 and in groups analyze some texts , Sign up for acting scene or article presentation
Get monologues to start analyzing them

13.1 Monday.  Watch Act 3, up to the supper min. 1:17. Read until end of scene 4
14.1 Tuesday: Listening yo Fall 2016 Listening
15.1 Wednesday Level F, Unit 9 (watch up until end of Banquet), Finish Act 3, stop 1:28 g

20.1 Monday:Macbeth: practise scenes
21.1 Tuesday: Act 3 quiz 
22.1 Wednesday Level F, Unit 10, work on scenes

27.1 Monday Work on films, Guest from the New York Film Academy
28.1 Tuesday: Work on films

4.2 Tuesday: Assessment day. Films are due

Exam week starts 29.1 until Feb. 5