
  • a line segment
    • a one-dimensional object of finite length with two end points
  • a ray
    • a one-dimensional object with one end point
  • a line
    • a one-dimensional object with no end points
  • to intersect
    • to meet
  • an angle
    • two rays with a common end point
  • a vertex
    • the point where the rays of an angle intersect
  • equidistant
    • as far away, same distance
  • a circle
    • a set of points that are equidistant from a single point
  • a center/centre
    • the point in the exact middle of a circle
  • a radius
    • a line segment that connects the centre of a circle to a point on its outer rim
  • a chord
    • a line segment that connects a point on the outer rim of a circle to another
  • a diameter
    • a chord that passes through the centre of the circle
  • semi-
    • half of, or part of
  • internal
    • inner part
  • external
    • outer part
  • a tangent
    • a line external to a circle that intersects the circle once