We have 9 days to go and you are here. Families and our school are really looking froward to see you and host you. The program is almost ready and you can find it on Pedanet on its page "Welcome to Oulu". When you roll downwards this page you will find some basic information concerning your visit.

Here is a list who hosts whom. We have 12 students involved in the project. All of them want to be a host. Therefore there are two hosting pairs (Venla+Roosa and Sofia+Aura). We have planned that Stefan and Daniel will change the family in the middle of the week. The two pairs are together the whole week.

Veera - Tordur

Iida - Gisli

Hilla - Marianna

Adele - Elvar

Venla + Roosa - Stefan

Noora - Agusta

Josefiina - Sigursteinn

Sofia + Aura - Daniel

Olli - Oskar

Emma - Tryggvi

The weather conditions can be whatever in February. Usually it is the coldest month of the year. This week (week 5) has been warmer than average; it has been snowing and temperatures have varied between 0 and -5 degrees. Next week (week 6) has been forecasted to be clearly colder. Temperatures will be around -10, even -15 degrees. Right now we do not have the forecast for week 7. It can be anything from +5 to -25. This is not a very big deal except on Thursday when we are going to have a whole-day-trip to Pikku-Syöte. It is the small mountain for winter sports. If it is cold on that certain day, it will be even colder at Pikku-Syöte because it is situated inland and 300 metres above sea level and also it may be windy on the top of the hill. But please note that you can get extra clothing from the organizing company at Pikku-Syöte if you want. It is a kind of full body suit.

Welcome to Oulu! You will survive.



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