Geogebra instructions

Download Geogebra Classic 5 from

View (Ansich / Visualizza)
  • CAS - computer algebra system (it, de)
  • Graphics - grafico/Graph, insert function in Inserimento/Eingabe (bottom of the window)
  • Algebra - list of objects (inserted points, lines, circles, functions)
How to define a function, eg. f(x) = 3x2 + 1
  • write f(x) = 3x^2 + 1 to inserimento/eingabe
  • write f(x) := 3x^2 + 1 to CAS-view (note: there is colon before =)
Now you can count for example f(5)
  • just write f(5) to CAS-view
  • you can also trace by adding a point to the function
Some short cuts
square root symbol Alt + R 49 or just write sqrt(49)
degree symbol Alt + O
pi Alt + P
Alpha, beta, gamma Alt + A, B, G

Solving an equation
  • In CAS view, write the equation, then press:
  • [✓] Check,
  • [x=] Solve,
  • [≈] Round (arrotondare, rund)