service technical description

1. General description developes pedagogical applications in cooperation with members. All the applications can be used in browser accordingly with ASP (Application Service Providing) principles via domain.

2. Software development software development follows mainly agile development principles and participatory design methods.

Most important technologies used in development:

  • CSS
  • PHP
  • SQL
  • Linux

3. Server system online services are brought to customers via concerted server system. Services can be seen to customers via domain.

Server system constitutes of several different servers that decentralize online applications functions.

Server system is situated in an air-conditioned room.

4. Connections server system is situated in the network of the University of Jyväskylä. That quarantees fast and reliable internet connection.

5. Content storage

Servers' hardware systems are mirrored (RAID1). All the data in the servers is backed up daily to a different server situated elsewhere. This server maintains back-ups of last 7 days in addition with the back-ups of the past and on-going months' last days. In addition, off-site back-up is made once a week. Back-up files are stored in a way that quarantees, that some of the back-ups are physically situated in a different building.However, cannot quarantee the persistance of a single file, and thus users are strongly adviced to backing up their own data.

6. Information security

Users are in connection with the servers only through browser and applications. Servers' operating systems can be accessed only with the personnel usernames. Depending on an application, passwords and usernames may be personal and private or more common and used by everyone. Log in is monitored through random generated single-use session identifiers (mainly cookies).