Written exercise / Kirjoitelma 15.12.


  • First choose a topic below.

  • Make an actual plan (mind map, list, think of topic sentences etc.). It's a good idea to do the plan already in English.

  • Return the plan (or a picture of it) to the file Suunnitelmat on the right ->

  • Write with the help of your plan, and make sure you follow the format that is required in the task (speech, letter to the editor, opinion piece etc.).

  • Return your composition to the file Kirjoitelmat on the right ->

Written exercise assignment

Choose one of the following topics and write a composition of 700-1300 characters. Read the guidance and follow it carefully! Return your paper in Word (.docx) -form, other formats will not be accepted.

1. What’s my future?
In terms of education and working life, where do you see your life going? Where will you be in ten years’ time? Write a diary entry.

2. Various forms of assessment
Write a letter to the Editor discussing alternative forms of assessment replacing one big final exam at the end of the course. Are you in favour of alternative forms of assessment or against them? Why?

3. Underappreciated but valuable
Which jobs are underappreciated but still valuable and worth doing? Choose a job and write a speech for a job fair intended for high school students considering their career choice.

4. Do what you love and the rewards will come
Do you have a passion in life that you could turn into a career? Do you have what it takes to become an entrepreneur? Discuss.

5. I put the pro in procrastinate
Is the title your motto, i.e. are you an excellent procrastinator? Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of procrastination.