Transportation & other issues to remember

Arrival & departure of guests

Guests arrive by train (except the group from France) on Sunday evening, 10.3.2019 at 19.27.

They will leave also by train on 16th of March REALLY early on the morning, at 5.35 already. Be prepared to bring your guests at 5.15 latest.

The French will arrive by plane on 10.3.2019 at 22.15. This flight is notorius due to many delays and cancellations, so follow the flight info carefully.

They will also leave early on 16.3.2019 by plane at 7.15. Bring the guests to the airport in time, at 6.20 latest.

Transportation during the visit

There is a possibility to use public transportation if needed. For you, who live close to the school, we strongly recommend walking.
During the visit the school begins at 9.00 every day for the hosts also - regardless of the normal schedule. 

On Monday the day ends at Puijo Tower. Please pick up the children & the guests at 16.00. If you have other plans for transportation, please note the corresponding teachers as well.

On Tuesday school ends at 14.45. At 17.00 there is an evening for hosts & guests at SpaHotel Rauhalahti. We participate the traditional lumberjack evening, and the evening begins with smoke sauna. Please bring necessary equipment. The dinner begins appr. at 19 o'clock, so some snack before coming to Rauhalahti is recommended. The evening ends at 20.00. Mind the transportation!

On Wednesday there is a free afternoon. The students take their guests to skate on natural ice on Kallavesi lake. If the weather conditions are poor, there's a plan B: football at Kuopio-hall just 100m from our school. Discuss and inform the children and the guests about transportations.

On Thursday there is a possibility to have a common evening with the students from the same country or maybe even with bigger groups. This is also in students' own responsibility. For the teachers there will be a separate program in the countryside of Kuopio.

On Friday there's a farewell evening with all the students involved. The parents are also most welcome! Due to the early take off on the following evening we will close the doors in time, about 18.45 at latest.