About the Project

"EcoEntrepreneurship" is a 2 year Nordic project supported by the Erasmus+ -programme. The project is a collaboration between the leading NGO Crossing Borders (Denmark), Kalevan Lukio (Finland) and the consultancy SwIdeas AB (Sweden). The aim of the project is to educate young people in eco-entrepreneurship and social responsibility.

With the support of the partners, the participating young people from Sweden, Denmark and Kalevan lukio develope small eco-innovative projects, which aim to take our everyday living environment to a more sustainable direction. We will be looking for ways to turn environmental challenges into employment opportunities.

We map out and establish contacts with inspiring eco-(start-up)-companies and organisations in our region and the rest of Finland. We are striving to learn about the process of turning an inspiration into a working business model. While we work at the grass roots level, we are also interested in the current situation in Finland and where are we heading to as a nation.

On the 30th of May 2017 we will organise
an "innovation-market" -event at our school, where we will present outcomes of the project together with our international guests. We will invite specialists in the field to talk at our opening event and the "stall-keepers" at our market will be eco-entreprises, energy agencies, and other actors. The pupils will receive new perspectives on both short- and long term future employment opportunities, while the entrepreneurs gain visibility and contacts to aspiring young entrepreneurs.

Six winners of an innovation contest from our group will receive a scholarship to attend a seminar in Denmark in spring 2018.

The project gains from diversity, since it includes 16-30-year-old young adults from different social- and educational backgrounds: Upper secondary school students, university students, NEETs and refugees.

Our working languages are Finnish and English.

The project is divided in two parts:

Group 1: October 2016 - May 2017

Group 2: August 2017 - May 2018


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