Task 2: Reading Comprehension

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A Text: Skeuomorphs Show Retro Is Always In

In 1889, H. Colley March noticed that some ancient artifacts had a retro look. They imitated elements from older objects. Bronze axes had “thong-work” like flint axes. Pottery bowls had patterns resembling basket weaving. March coined the term skeuomorph from Greek skéuos (container or tool) and morphḗ (shape), for these design throwbacks. But skeuomorphs aren’t confined to museums.

Electric candles: Whether they’re gleaming in chandeliers or flickering on a restaurant table, electric lights masquerading as candles are skeuomorphs.

Deleting files: When computer manufacturers decided to move their machines from the clutches of techies into the jittery hands of the general public, they thought skeuomorphic graphical user interfaces would make them comfortingly familiar.

Sounds can be skeuomorphic too. Camera phones don’t have mechanical shutters, but the electronically produced click reassures users that they’ve “snapped” a picture.

Source: Judith Herman. https://mentalfloss.com/article/56619/17-skeuomorphs-show-retro-always. Published: 3.6.2014. Accessed: 10.8.2019. Shortened.

Miksi sähkökynttilät ja roskapöntön kuva tietokoneen ruudulla mainitaan esimerkkeinä skeuomorfeista? 3 p.

Miksi kännykkäkamera mainitaan esimerkkinä skeuomorfista? 3 p.

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