ENA8A schedule

Part I: Macbeth
28.11 Thursday: Introduce Macbeth, did register clash Sept 2019

2.12 Monday: Do Fall Listening 2017 yo koe. 
3.12 Tuesday Read up to Act 1, sc.iii (read outloud)  Stop BANQUO "Cousins, a word, I pray you."
Macbeth Watch 5 minutes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5ndaZkz2m0&t=630s
Go over power point: explain background on Macbeth
5.12 Thursday Level F, Unit 6, Grammar p. 257-264 (all exercises)

9.12 Monday: Spring Listening 2017
10.12 Tuesday Finish Act 1 Macbeth
12.12 Thursday Level F, Unit 7, Grammar, p. 264-269

16.12 Monday Quiz on Act 1, start Act 2 Watch Orson Welles until min 32.

O horror, horror, horror! Tongue nor heart
Cannot conceive nor name thee!

17.12 Tuesday: DIVINE SERVICE at 9 am No class
19.12 Thursday Finish Act 2. Watch Orson Welles version and first 15 minutes of Ian McKellen


7.1. Tuesday: No class (finish Act 2)
9.1 Thursday Quiz Act 2, start Act 3 : stop "And champion me to the utterance! Who's there"
Grammar, p. 270- https://yle.fi/aihe/artikkeli/2015/12/15/treenaa-englantia-rakenne-ja-sanasto

Still need group (Tino, Valtteri, Arina, Emmi Act 3, sc.2, l.6-14) and (Lassi, Luca, Aava and Riikka Act 3, scc 2 l. 15-29)
13.1 Monday Still need group (Tino, Valtteri, Arina, Emmi Act 3, sc.2, l.6-14) and (Lassi, Luca, Aava and Riikka Act 3, scc 2 l. 15-29). Plan acting groups
Read up to end of scene 4 (Act 3)
14.1 Tuesday: Act III Macbeth read the rest together, watched until 1:11
16.1 Thursday Level F, Unit 8,  go over scenes

20.1 Monday: Practise scenes (Teacher not here)
21.1 Tuesday: Act 3 quiz (analyze texts). Work on scenes
23.1 Thursday Level F, Unit 9, work on scenes, Correct quizzes.

27.1 Monday: Film scenes Guest from the New York Film Academy
28.1 Tuesday: Level F, Unit 10, Film scenes

31.1 FRIDAY: ASSESSMENT DAY (bring your films)


Shakespeare glossary: https://www.shakespeareswords.com/