16. The Mediterranean

Mediterranean nations

The northern coast of the Mediterranean Sea contains many important European nations. 

Spain, Italy and Greece are the largest and most significant Mediterranean nations. Spain is a monarchy, whereas Italy and Greece are republics. 

Nations on the map: 1. Portugal 2. Spain 3. France 4. Italy 5. Slovenia 6. Croatia 7. Bosnia and Herzegovina 8. Serbia 9. Albania 10. Greece 11. Malta 12. Cyprus, 13. Turkey.

Mediterranean climate and vegetation

The Mediterranean nations are located inside the zone of Mediterranean climate. The climate type is characterized by hot and dry summers, as well as by temperate but rainy winters. 

During the winter months, the average temperature in the Mediterranean region is approximately 10 degrees Celsius. During the winter, the region receives plenty of rainfall. 

During the summer, the amount of rainfall decreases almost completely. The summer is hot and dry. The average temperature can often exceed 25 degrees Celsius during the summer months.

The Mediterranean climate favors plants with thick or small leaves. These plants can regulate their water consumption during the dry, hot summer. This vegetation type is known as Mediterranean vegetation

Livelihoods of Mediterranean nations

The Mediterranean climate is suitable for growing olives, citrus fruits and grapes. Grains are farmed during the wet, temperate winters. In Spain, rice is farmed and cooked into paellas, whereas in Italy, wheat is farmed and used to make pasta. 

Because the Mediterranean summer is warm and dry, tourists from Northern Europe love to visit the region during the summer. The Mediterranean region is full of important holiday destinations, and many Mediterranean nations base their economies on tourism.

The most important industrial regions of the Mediterranean coast are found in Northern Italy. The Italian industrial sector is known for automobile production. The image below shows cars manufactured by the Italian company Ferrari.