
Yleistä relatiivipronomineista

"JOKA, MIKÄ" eri muotoineen

1. ‘who’ ihmisistä
> "I know someone WHO can help you."

2. ‘which’ esineistä ja asioista
> "Someone broke into the house WHICH is opposite my home."

'whose’ omistusmuoto ’jonka’ (who’s = who is/has)
> "She's the girl WHOSE aunt lives in New Zealand."  (ei asu ITSE vaan hänen tätinsä asuu)
Voidaan käyttää myös asioista
> "Bangladesh is a country WHOSE population is growing fast." (= "Bangladesh is a country the population OF WHICH...")

whom’ objektimuoto, ’jota, joita, ym.' (kun joku/jokin on tekemisen KOHTEENA)
> "I know nobody WHO(M) I could trust."
> "Is that the woman TO WHOM you spoke?" (="Is that the woman WHO you spoke TO?"
(muodollinen ja nykyään harvinainen, voidaan usein korvata muulla rakenteella)

- WHO ja WHICH voidaan usein korvata THAT-pronomilla. Ei kuitenkaan kun kyse on irrallisesta selittävästä lisästä, joka erotetaan pilkuilla
"Ferrari, WHICH is an expensive sports car, is not the best choice for most families."
> "Ferrari is not the best choice...." (irrallinen lisä selittää miksi ei paras valinta, voidaan myös jättää pois)

 - WHICH voi viitata koko edeltävään lauseeseen ("MIKÄ")
> "He told about it to all his friends, WHICH I didn't like."

  • that’ ihmisistä, esineistä ja asioista
  • Korrelaattina all, thing-loppuiset pronominit, järjestysluku, superlatiivi, last, only, much, little
  • Ei pilkkua, prepositio lauseen loppuun

"It was all / everything (THAT) I could see."
"There was not much / little (THAT) we could do."

  • what = ’se mikä’ Ei korrelaattia

> "WHAT surprised me was how young they were." (vrt. "The thing THAT ...")

PAIKKA: "the place WHERE I was born"
AIKA: "the time WHEN I am at my most relaxed"
SYY: "the reason WHY we are here"

Täydennystehtävä (20 p.)

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Täydennä puuttuvat relatiivipronominit vihjeiden perusteella.

(HUOM! Vastaa pienillä kirjaimilla, virkkeen alussa käy isokin kirjain.)

How much do you know about the people (JOTKA) work behind the camera while a film is being shot? A GAFFER, for example, is the person (JONKA TYÖ) is to look after the lighting on the set. (SE, MITÄ) s/he needs, of course, is an assistant. The BEST BOY is the person assists the gaffer. The boom is a long pole (JOKA / JOLLA) has a microphone on one end. The BOOM OPERATOR holds the microphone over the actors' heads to record (SEN MITÄ) they are saying.

The PRODUCER has many tasks, (JOISTA YKSI) is to control the budget. SOUND MIXERS control the equipment records all the sounds are picked up by the microphone. The EDITOR does something (JOKA / MIKÄ) is very important: s/he 'cuts' all the film shot by the DIRECTOR into a final two-hour version. CASTING DIRECTORS choose actors for the various roles, (JOISTA TÄRKEIMPIÄ) are those of the leading actor and actress.

The scenes (JOTKA) we see in the final version are not shot in that order, (MINKÄ TAKIA) the film crew needs a CONTINUITY SUPERVISOR, (JONKA) duty it is to make sure that costumes, sets and props consistent.

CLAPPER-BOARDS are two pieces of wood (JOISSA) have information written on them. The director and the editor would be in trouble if they didn't have anything (MIKÄ) helps them keep the takes in order. THE CLAPPER-LOADER is the one (JOKA) operates the clapper-board. A KEY GRIP moves the camera from one position to another, (MIKÄ) is also a demanding job whether the film is being shot on the set or on location. The screenplay is done by a SCRIPT-WRITER (JOKA) writes a 'play' for the 'screen'. Finally the DIRECTOR is the person (JOSTA)

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"_____ OF WHOM (ihmisistä) / ______ OF WHICH (asioista)"

Täydennä of-rakenteet! (10 p.)

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Täydennä puuttuvat relatiivipronominit vihjeiden perusteella.

(HUOM! Vastaa pienillä kirjaimilla, virkkeen alussa käy isokin kirjain.)

1. I have two COUSINS, (JOISTA MOLEMMAT) live in Sweden.

2. There have been a lot of REFUGEES trying to cross the Mediterranian, (JOISTA MONET) drown while risking their lives.

3. My uncle told us unbelievable STORIES, (JOISTA [EI] YKSIKÄÄN) were true.

4. She has many RELATIVES abroad, (JOISTA HARVOJA) she has ever met.

5. I had to answer lots of QUESTIONS, (JOISTA USEIMMAT) were quite easy.

6. Unfortunately I forgot to check the TYRES, (JOISTA YKSI) was almost empty.

7. My daughter's class has 22 PUPILS, (JOISTA OSA) are already familiar to her.

8. I was allowed to choose between two BOOKS, (JOISTA KUMMASTAKAAN) I don't particularly like.

9. We met quite a few nice PEOPLE, (JOISTA YHTÄKÄÄN) we had met before.

10. He had three ATTEMPTS, (JOISTA ENSIMMÄINEN) wasn't successful.

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