Maisema Kolilta - Eero Järnefelt

"Maisema Kolilta" was painted by a Finnish artist Eero Järnefelt. He lived from 1863 to 1937 and painted this piece of art in 1928. The name of the artwork means "a landscape from Koli" in English. The painting was painted with oil paints on canvas.

I chose this painting because it reminds me of the importance of nature. Koli has been described as "the Finnish national landscape" and I don't disagree with that. I have been to Koli once before and the view from the edge of the rock was absolutely amazing. I think that Eero Järnefelt has succeeded in capturing the feelings of freedom and purity that we might experience while being in nature. The light colours attract calm and balanced atmosphere which makes the artwork feel realistic. There is a stunted pine in the centre of the picture to which the attention is drawn first. But when you look at the background of the painting, you can see a beautiful lake and sky. If the paintig was cropped more widely, the same kind of landscape would continue as far as the eye can see.

In my opinion the message of the painting is that nature can be very important and we should enjoy and respect it more often. Going outdoors and finding beauty in small things and different views is something we all should do.

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Jami Lehtinen

This painting truly has it's peaceful atmosphere and has very calming effect. Painting is so realistic that I can easily imagine myself standing standing there. I like how the light and warm colors are used to indicate the summer season and even if there has been used lot of blue colors it still has it's warm tones.

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Kaisa Lehtonen

This painting is beautiful and I understand well why this is, as you write it, the Finnish national landscape. A lake and sky is beautiful and calm, but the pine got my attention instantly. It reminds me how in nature everything don't have to be symmetric or huge to be beautiful and still good enough to a spotlight in a picture. 
I like the way you have interpret the meaning of the art work. I've seen the painting before but never until now actually stopped to think the message it wants to tell.

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Kristian Lindström

Girl, this painting reminds me of the national park of Repovesi. The drawing looks like a real photo and every inch of this painting is so calm that it drops my blood pressure. It may be peaceful but I'm a stormy person so I could yawn when I'm looking at this painting. The colo(u)rs are little bit dull but this drawing has the charm so I don't die to boredom.

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Siiri Valtonen

I think this painting is very beautiful. It shows how beautiful and important the nature are especially in Finland. The colours match the landscape from Koli. I've seen this piece of artwork before. It's a popular Finnish painting. I like Jenni's thoughts on the painting.

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