ENA1+2 / 6. periodi / Haaksluoto

ENA2 / 6. periodi / Haaksluoto

Töölön yhteiskoulun aikuislukio, Urheilukatu 10 – 12, 00250 Helsinki


ENA1: Opiskelutaidot ja kieli-identiteetin
rakentaminen (1 op)
Keskeiset sisällöt: henkilökohtaisen kieli-
profiilin laatiminen, tavoitteiden asettelu
kielten opiskelulle, monikielisyys voima-
varana, erilaisiin teksti- ja tyylilajeihin
tutustuminen, toisiin tutustuminen, arki-
tiedon vaihtaminen ja vuorovaikutusosaa-
misen vahvistaminen keskustellen.
ENA2: Englanti globaalina kielenä (3 op)
Keskeiset sisällöt: englanti äidinkielenä,
toisena kielenä, virallisena kielenä, glo-
baalina kielenä; kansainvälisyys arjessa
ja lähiympäristöissä, liikkuvuus; kansain-
väliset suhteet; rakentava vuorovaikutus,
merkitysneuvottelut ja kielentäminen hy-
vinvoinnin ja itsetunnon rakentajana; pu-
hujien eri taustat ja statusvaikutukset;
äänteiden muodostuminen ja puheen tuot-
taminen; englannin variantteja ja vertai-
lua muihin kieliin; viestintätyyli erilaisis-
sa medioissa.
Materiaali: Otava: New Insights (Modu-
les 1-2), valikoiden kirjan kappaleita. Op-
pikirja voi olla paperi- tai digikirja.
Arviointi: Opintojakson arvosana muo-
dostuu loppukokeen ja mahdollisten mui-
den näyttöjen perusteella. Opintojakson
arvosanan saa suoritettuaan moduulit
ENA1 ja ENA2 hyväksytysti.

Book: Elina Karapalo – Paula Keltto – Mark Klimer – Päivi Kuusivaara - Teijo Päkkilä – Annukka Suonio: New Insights Module 2 (Otava)

Room and Time: 11 (eleven) times Mondays and Wednesdays at 18.40 – 20.00 hours in Class Room 31 (3rd floor) and simultaneously on Google Meet. The address is always the same: meet.google.com/her-rxva-umj

Teacher: Erja H. Haaksluoto, erja.haaksluoto@tyk.fi Available for consultation: 1) before, during and after the lessons, and 2) on Mondays at 20.05 – 20.45 hours (= so-called KIELIKLINIKKA) except not during the exam weeks

The grade on module 2 consists of the following parts:

1) digital written test and listening test on Monday, May 27th, 2024, at 17.00 - 20.20 hours in class room 31

2) home assignment (+)

3) activity during the lessons (+)

The digital test on May 27th, 2024, consists of the following parts:


2) WORDS & VOCABULARY (sanastoa tunneilla käsitellyistä kappaleista)

3) RC (= Reading Comprehension = luetun ymmärtäminen)

4) LC (= Listening Comprehension = kuullun ymmärtäminen)

4) Possibly YOUR OWN WRITING (= oma tuotos)


You will have your exams back on e-mail, but I shall be available for questions in person in Class Room 31 at 16.00 – 17.30 on Thursday, May 30th, 2024.





at 17.00 – 20.05 hours on Friday, on August 30th, 2024 = UUSINTAKOE, johon on ehdottomasti ILMOITTAUDUTTAVA ETUKÄTEEN kansliasta saatavalla vaaleansinisellä lomakkeella viimeistään VIIKKOA ENNEN KOETTA eli perjantaina 23.8.2024. Uusintakoelomakkeesta on myös olemassa sähköinen lomake. Nettisivuilla on pdf, jonka voi suoraan täyttää ja lähettää liitetiedostona kansliaan. Lomake löytyy täältä: https://www.tyk.fi/aikuislukio/tietoa/lomakkeet/


HOME ASSIGNMENT (= kotitehtävä): On pages 199 you’ll find Topics for written assignments. Write a short essay of 700 – 1,300 characters on one of those 9 topics. THE ULTIMATE DEADLINE is May 15th, 2024!



  1. April 15, 2024: Introduction to the course // 6 Our English p. 51 – 55 // GRAMMAR: The Future Tense p. 254 - 257
  2. April 17, 2024: ex. 44 & 47 p. 257 - 259 // 9 First Amendment p. 71 - 73
  3. April 22, 2024: ex. 48 & 49 p. 259 - 260 // GRAMMAR: Present conditional p. 262 - 263 // ex. 9b & 9c p. 75 / ex. 9f p. 78
  4. April 24, 2024: ex. 51 & 53 p. 264 // GRAMMAR: Past conditional p. 265 - 266 / ex. 53 p. 267 // 10 Welcome to England! p. 81 - 83
  5. April 29, 2024: ex. 57 p. 269 // GRAMMAR: Yhteenveto ehtovirkkeistä p. 270 / ex. 59 & 60 p. 270 - 271 // GRAMMAR: Sequence of tenses p. 273 / ex. 65 p. 275
  6. May 6, 2024: ex. 10b & 10d & 10e p. 85 - 87 // ex. 61 p. 272 // GRAMMAR: Word Order p. 276 - 280 & sanajärjestyksen erityistapauksia p. 281
  7. May 8, 2024: GRAMMAR: IT & THERE p. 287 - 289 / ex. 75 & 76 p. 289 // 11 I can’t help it! p. 92 - 93
  8. May 13, 2024: ex. 78 & 79 p. 290 - 291 // GRAMMAR: PERSONAL PRONOUNS p. 292 - 296 // ex. 11b & 11c & 11e p. 95 - 96
  9. May 15, 2024: ex. 11g p. 97 / ex. 11h p. 98 // ex. 83 & 84 p. 298 // GRAMMAR: THE PASSIVE VOICE p. 300 - 303 / ex. 86 & 87 p. 304


  1. May 20, 2024: GRAMMAR: THE PASSIVE VOICE p. 300 - 303 / ex. 88 & 89 & 90 p. 304 - 305
  2. May 22, 2024: GRAMMAR: THE PASSIVE VOICE p. 300 - 303 / ex. 92 & 93 & 94 p. 306 - 308






Some notes on April 17th, 2024

lingua franca = "yleis"kieli
dates = taateleita; deittejä
cough = yskä
take up, took up, taken up = ryhtyä harrastamaan
purchased = bought = osti
1. WILL-futuuri = I futuuri
What will you do tomorrow?
will attend a funeral. =
I'll attend a funeral.
You will move abroad. =  You'll move abroad.
will not come to school tomorrow.
= I won't come to school at all.
will not = won't

Shall I open the window?
Shall I close the door?
shan't do it.
shall not = shan't
Shall we go?
Varsinkin kysymyksissä, jos subjektina on I tai we, käytetään mielellään apuverbiä SHALL will-verbin tilalla.

will + BE + -ing
Will you be taking care of my kids next weekend?
on kohtelias, ehkä taivuttelevakin muoto
3. BE + GOING + TO + DO s-g
What are you going to do with your life? = Mitä AIOT tehdä elämälläsi?
am going to move to Australia. = I'm going to move...
sään ilmiöistä: It is going to rain tomorrow too. = It's going to rain...

Some notes on April 22nd, 2024

HW: ex. 47 p. 258-259 & ex. 49 p. 259
the Constitution = perustuslaki

lend, lent, lent = lainata; antaa lainaksi
I am broke. Could you please lend me some money?
borrow, -ed, -ed = lainata; ottaa lainaksi
I borrowed three books in the library.
I borrowed some money from my Father. = Lainasin rahaa isältäni.

1) WILL-futuuri (I futuuri)
I will be on strike tomorrow. = I'll be on strike tomorrow.
I will not be on strike next week. = I won't be on strike next week.
I am going to be on strike tomorrow and on Wednesday. = I'm going to be on strike tomorrow and on Wednesday.
vääjäämättömistä säänilmiöistä:
I think it is going to rain soon. = it's going to rain soon...
It's going to snow this week.
AIKOMINEN: What are you going to do after graduation? = Mitä aiot tehdä valmistumisen jälkeen?
3) futuurin kestomuoto WILL + BE + -ing
Will you be taking care of my children next weekend?
4) kestopreesens (varsinkin lähitulevaisuudesta)
Mr Pekka Haavisto is flying to Brussels tomorrow morning.
Marc is watching TV tonight.
I am taking it easy tonight.

5) YLEISPREESENS ehtoa ilmaisevissa sivulauseissa ja aikaa ilmaisevissa sivulauseissa:
He will help us if we help him.
If you come to my party, I'll be very happy.
If you don't come to my party, I'll be sad.
As soon as Pekka comes home from Brussels, he'll come to visit us.
Marc will call me when he comes home from Paris.
I'll love you as long as I live.
Once I get started, nothing will stop me.
We'll stay here until  / till we hear from you.
AIKAA ilmaisevat alistuskonjunktiot:
1) as = kun
2) after = sen jälkeen, kun
3) as long as = niin kauan kuin
4) as soon as = niin pian kuin
5) before = ennen kuin
6) by-lauseet (= siihen hetkeen mennessä, kun)
7) once = heti, kun
8) until = till = kunnes
9) when = kun
10) while = sillä aikaa, kun

The train leaves at 8.15 am.
The plane takes off at 6 o'clock.

Some notes on April 29th, 2024

  HW: ex. 49 p. 259 & ex. 53 p. 264 & ex. 9a & 9b p. 75

the Constitution = perustuslaki
a lift = a ride = kyyti
to hitch hike = liftata
cooperatio = co-operation= yhteistyö

eloquence (n.) = keunopuheisuus
eloquent (adj.) = kaunopuheinen
a principal (n.)= rehtori (AmE)
a superintendent (n.)
a racist

He made racist comments. (racist = adjektiivi)
intolerance (n.) = suvaitsemaisuus
intolerant (adj.) = suvaitsematon
xenophobia (n.) = muukalaisviha
a xenophobic = muukalaisvihaa kokeva henkilö
xenophobic (adj.)


I ehtovirke:
If I exercise / do sports, I will be in better shape / I'll be in better shape.
if-lauseessa on YLEISPREESENS; päälauseessa I futuuri (WILL + verbin perusmuoto)
IF I don't go to sleep early, I will be tired in the morning / I'll be tired in the morning.

II ehtovirke:
Jos voimistelisin / urheilisin, pysyisin paremmassa kunnossa.
If I exercised / did sports, I would stay in better shape / I'd stay in better shape.
IF-lauseessa YLEISIMPERFEKTI ja päälauseessa on I KONDITIONAALI (WOULD + verbin persumuoto)
If I didn't go to sleep early, I would be tired in the morning.

Some notes on May 6th, 2024

HW: ex. 55 p. 267 & ex, 59 p. 269 & ex. 60 p. 270 - 271 

the Constitution = perustuslaki

burn out 
He had a burn out.
He burnt out.

a lift = a ride
to hitch hike = liftata
cooperation =  co-operation
I will give you a ride tomorrow. =  I will give you a lift tomorrow.
can / could = VOISI (NB! could on myös can-verbin IMPERFEKTI)
will / would
shall /  should = pitäisi
may / might = saattaisi
mow the lawn = cut the grass
mow, mowed, mowed / mown
fry / fried= paistoi
a lawn mower = ruohonleikkuri
eloquence (n.) = keunopuheisuus
eloquent (adj.) = kaunopuheinen
a principal (n.)= rehtori (AmE)
a superintendent (n.)
a racist

He made racist comments.
intolerance (n.)
intolerant (adj.)
xenophobia (n.) = muukalaisviha
a xenophobic
xenophobic (adj.)


I ehtovirke:
If I exercise / do sports, I will be in better shape / I'll be in better shape.
if-lauseessa on YLEISPREESENS; päälauseessa I futuuri (WILL + verbin perusmuoto)
IF I don't go to sleep early, I will be tired in the morning / I'll be tired in the morning.
Unless I go to sleep early, I will be tired in the morning.

II ehtovirke:
Jos voimistelisin / urheilisin, pysyisin paremmassa kunnossa.
If I exercised / did sports, I would stay in better shape / I'd stay in better shape.
IF-lauseessa YLEISIMPERFEKTI ja päälauseessa on I KONDITIONAALI (WOULD + verbin persumuoto)
If I didn't go to sleep early, I would be tired in the morning.
Unless I went to sleep early, I would be tired in the morning.

III ehtovirke:
Jos minä olisin voimistellut / olisin urheillut, minä olisin pysynyt paremmassa kunnossa.
IF-lauseeseen PLUSKVAMPERFEKTI (had + teeman 3. muoto); päälauseeseen tulee II konditionaali  (would + have + teeman 3. muoto)
If I had exercised / had done sports, I would have stayed in better shape.

If I hadn't gone to sleep early, I  would have been  tired in the morning.
Unless I had gone to sleep early, I would have been tired in the morning.
unless = ellei; jollei


49 More advanced
1. Look at those dark clouds. It’s going to snow / It’ll snow soon.
2. Don’t worry, I’ll help you with anything. Why won’t / don’t you ever ask for help?
3. Shall I ask Thomas to give us a hand / to help us?
4. By the time he gets here, we will have finished all the work.
5. You’ll never learn / ‘re never going to learn to look on the bright side of things,
will you / are you?
6. Hmph, I’m meeting / ‘m going to meet my positive thinking coach tomorrow.
7. However, my bus leaves at six and my appointment isn’t until eight.
8. If you stop complaining right now, I will give you a lift tomorrow.
Täydennä vihjeiden mukaisesti.
1. could get
2. would be
3. didn’t have
4. could cut/mow
5. asked
6. should ask / ought to ask
7. could take
8. fried
9. would burn
10. sang
11. might leave

Text 9 First Amendment

There is something wrong in each sentence below. Correct them so that they are
in agreement with the text.

1. Mr. Neck storms into class ready to explode.

2. Mr. Neck’s family has fought in every war since they arrived over two hundred years ago.

3. When Melinda’s father complains about his boss, the family members just listen to him

4. With a linoleum block, there is no way to correct our mistakes.

5. Mr. Neck wishes that the borders had been closed in 1900.

6. Melinda has no idea how long her family has been in America but they have lived in the
same school district since she was in first grade.

7. The Archery Club member wants to give the country back to the Native Americans. The
suck-ups fight to throw out the “foreigners”.

8. The brave kid challenges Mr. Neck by claiming that it’s the white people who have had it
too easy and are pulling the country down.

9. David Petrakis has a perfect attendance record and helps the school staff get rid of
programming bugs on computer files at school.

10. David stares at Mr. Neck, looks at the flag for a minute, picks up his books and walks out of
the room.


Spot the phrase.

1. for over two hundred years

2. focus on my doodle

3. there is no way to correct mistakes

4. I have to think ahead

5. that strikes a nerve

6. a place with no future

7. that must count for something

8. jump back and forth across the room

9. in the last century

10. he’s not good enough

11. no matter what his skin color

12. cracked under the pressure

13. the right to say what’s on his mind

14. as a citizen, and as a student

15. as racist, intolerant, and xenophobic

Some answers on May 8th,2024

49 More advanced
1. Look at those dark clouds. It’s going to snow / It’ll snow soon.
2. Don’t worry, I’ll help you with anything. Why won’t / don’t you ever ask for help?
3. Shall I ask Thomas to give us a hand / to help us?
4. By the time he gets here, we will have finished all the work.
5. You’ll never learn / ‘re never going to learn to look on the bright side of things,
will you / are you?
6. Hmph, I’m meeting / ‘m going to meet my positive thinking coach tomorrow.
7. However, my bus leaves at six and my appointment isn’t until eight.
8. If you stop complaining right now, I will give you a lift tomorrow.
New Insights 1–2 (LOPS21) Ratkaisut 85
3. Conditionals
3.1 Present conditional
Ilmaise lauseet englanniksi parisi kanssa.
Suggested key
1. What would you like to do this weekend?
2. We could go to the cinema or to a restaurant.
3. I should go out more.
4. What would you do first if you could change the world?
5. Could you turn down the music?
6. Shouldn’t you get out of bed already?
7. I couldn’t be happier!
8. Would you like to start a new hobby?
9. If you could travel back in time, where would you go?
10. If Finland became the world cup winners in football, I would be very surprised
Täydennä vihjeiden mukaisesti.
1. could get
2. would be
3. didn’t have
4. could cut/mow
5. asked
6. should ask / ought to ask
7. could take
8. fried
9. would burn
10. sang
11. might leave

3.2 Past conditional
Täydennä vihjeiden mukaisesti.
1. hadn’t overslept
2. wouldn’t have been
3. had had
4. would have remembered
5. had driven
6. would … have been
7. might/could have caught
8. could have bought
9. would have had to spend
10. hadn’t believed
11. could/might have stayed
Täydennä vihjeiden mukaan.
1. would you tell
2. Should you be; would you (only) talk
3. would (rather) meet
4. could have learned/learnt
5. would be
6. would you show
7. could take; should try / ought to try
8. had learned/learnt; would have spent
9. might be; taught
10. shouldn’t worry

3.3 If-clauses
Täydennä puuttuvat verbimuodot vihjeiden mukaisesti.
1. was/were, ‘d help
2. had seen, would’ve stopped
3. meets, ‘ll go
4. would have repaired/fixed, had had
5. doesn’t do, ‘ll (never) become
6. wouldn’t go
7. won’t travel/go
8. told
9. hadn’t studied, would not have passed / wouldn’t have passed
10. hadn’t been, would (still) have

Ehtovirkkeet ja konditionaalit. Valitse luontevin vaihtoehto.
1. Would you like
2. would
3. changed
4. would do
5. should
6. Had I said
7. wouldn’t
8. might have turned
9. had acted
10. would like to
11. asked
12. might look
13. should have acted
14. made
15. should have called
16. had lost
17. might be
18. Should I call
19. Could
20. would
21. would
22. were
23. would be


Some notes on May 13th, 2024

HW for Wednesday ex. 10e p. 87

On Word Order:
1) Väitelauseen sanajärjestys: SPOTPA = subjeki - predikaatti - objekti - tapa - paikka - aika
Soile Isokoski sang Richard Strauss' Vier Letzte Lieder magnificently  in Berlin in July 1999.
Jos laitetaan esim,aika alkuun, sanajärjestys pysyy edelleen SUORANA (= subjekti ensi; sitten vasta predikaatti)
In July 1999 Soile Isokoski sang ...
EMPTY: M stands for means and manner; P stands for place and T stands for time
2) predikaatti + objekti
predikaatin ja objektin välillä on NEXUS; ei saa mennä väliin sorkkimaan
I love you very much.
3) liikkuvat määreet
He never comes late.
He always comes late.

Marc often came late.
Mars has usually come late to the meetings.
Marc would never have come late anywhere.

mean = evil = wicked = ilkeä
Lena got married to Paul. = Lena meni naimisiin Paulin kanssa.
Lena fell in love with Paul. = Lena rakastui Pauliin.
envious = kateellinen
jealous = kateellinen; mustasukkainen
10a Ask and answer these questions with a partner. Suggested key 
1. Alem used his native tongue instead of English. 
2. The colour of the immigration officer’s hair. 
3. He loved the big building, which reminded him of space stations in films. / Everything looked busy but organized. 
4. He said it was just a routine check. 
5. That they only had two pieces of luggage with them. / They had come a long way just to have a brief holiday.
6. He was aware of the fact that his spoken English wasn’t perhaps as good as it could be. 
7. Alem started talking about the weather when they came out. 
8. It was close to the airport, and he wouldn’t make much money driving customers there. 
10b Spot the phrase. Complete the sentences with the English translation of these phrases. You can find them in the text but not necessarily in this order. 
1. hatred between their peoples
 2. the holiday of a lifetime 
3. brimming with excitement 
4. From now on 
5. what was wrong with him 
6. trying to avoid bumping into anyone 
7. the silence was broken 
8. Provided everything is all right 
9. at the same time 
10. Do you mind if I have a look 
11. made an attempt to pack everything 
12. I’m sorry for keeping you 
13. come with the territory 
14. they were on their way 10d Choose the best alternative for each gap. 
1. c 2. c 3. b 4. a 5. b 6. c 7. c 8. a 9. c 10. a 
57 Täydennä vihjeiden mukaan. 
1. would you tell 
2. Should you be; would you (only) talk 
3. would (rather) meet 
4. could have learned/learnt 
5. would be 
6. would you show 
7. could take; should try / ought to try 
8. had learned/learnt; would have spent 
9. might be; taught 
10. shouldn’t worry 61 More advanced
1. Cinderella will go to the ball/party if she gets a new dress.
2. Hopefully / I hope she will leave the ball/party before she turns back into a maid.
3. Cinderella would be happier if her evil stepmother didn’t force her to clean / didn’t make her clean.
4. Everything would be different if her father hadn’t married her stepmother / hadn’t got(ten) married to her stepmother.
5. Her life could change again if the Prince happened to / should find her glass slipper/shoe.
6. Cinderella’s stepsisters will get jealous if the Prince falls in love with Cinderella.
7. If they hadn’t lived happily ever after, I wouldn’t have liked the story so much when I was a child / as a child.
VastaaVastaa kaikilleLähetä edelleen

Some notes on May 15th, 2024

HW ex. 70  p. 284 & ex. 76 p. 289 & ex. 79 p. 281

EXAM on Monday, May 27th, 2024 at 5 - 8.20 pm class room 31

Customs = tulli
a customs officer = tullivirkailija
an opportunity = a chance
Garth Greenwell: What Belongs to You

IT as a Formal Subject:
Soon it will be summer. =  It will soon be summer.  = It will be summer soon.
It was a hard winter.
What time is it? It is half past seven. It is twenty to eight. It is (a) quarter past seven.
It is warm. It isn't chilly anymore.
It has been quite cold lately.
It was freezing.
It was raining cats and dogs.

How far is it to Nuorgam? It is about one thousand and three hundred kilometres to Nuorgam.
How far is it to Oulu?
"It's a long way to Tipperary. It's a long way to go..."
It is about 18 centigrades
It was only minus 28 degrees Celsius when we landed in Irkutsk.
Willian met Catherine in Paris twenty years ago.

It was Catherine that William met in Paris twenty years ago. (and not Lena or Victoria)
It was in Paris where William met Catherine twenty years ago. (and not in Rome or in Vienna)
It was twenty years ago when William met Catherine in Paris. (and not ten or fifteen years ago)

THERE as a Formal Subject "kun jossain on jotakin..."
Puutarhassa on omenapuu.
There is an apple tree in the garden.
Puutarhassa on omenapuita.
There are apple trees in the garden.

On Word Order:
1) Soile Isokoski sang Richard Strauss' Vier Letzte Lieder magnificently  in Berlin  in July 1999.
In July 1999 Soile Isokoski sang ...
2)  I love you very much.
3) He never comes late.
He always comes late.

Marc often came late.
Marc usually comes late.
hardly = tuskin = barely = scarcely
Marc hardly comes late.
liikkuvat määreet tulevat subjektin ja predikaatin väliin
Marc has usually come late to the meetings.
Marc would never have come late anywhere.
objekti = tekemisen kohde
objektiivi = kenelle jotain tehdään
She gave me a ticket.
She gave a ticket to me.
Matti, a real estate agent, sold us a house.
Matti sold a house to us.
NB! He bought me a diamond.
He bought a diamond for me
Suggested key
1. Njau, a Kenyan immigrant in Britain, earns his living as a customs officer at the airport.
2. He especially observes/monitors those who are nervous and (seem to) panic easily.
3. Njau is well-mannered and always thanks people for their co-operation.
4. Yesterday morning he was heading for the customs hall when he realized something.
5. This job was a chance of a lifetime for Njau.

Some notes on May 20th, 2024

HW ex. 91 p. 306 & ex. 93 p. 307 & ex. 94 p. 308


There were dark clouds in the sky. jos varsinainen subjekti on substantiivi, tulee there
It was cloudy. (kyseessä adjektiivi)
How long a way is it to Nurmo? = How far is it to Nurmo?

EXAM on Monday, May 27th, 2024 at 5 - 8.20 pm class room 31
PASSIIVI: They drink tea in England. = Teetä juodaan Englannissa.
Tea is drunk in England. (Mutta kuka sanoo näin?)

AKTIIVI: Matti builds a house. PASSIIVI: A house is built by Matti.
passiivin kaava: BE + teeman 3. muoto
build, built, built

1. YLEISPREESENS Matti builds a house. passiivi: A house is built by Matti.
2. KESTOPREESENSMatti is building a house. passiivi: A house is being built by Matti.
3. YLEISIMPERFEKTIMatti built a house. passiivi: A house was built by Matti.
4. KESTOIMPERFEKTIMatti was building a house. passiivi: A house was being built by Matti.
5. YLEISPERFEKTIMatti has built a ho use. passiivi: A house has been built by Matti.
6. YLEISPLUSKVAMPERFEKTIMatti had built a house. passiivi: A house had been built by Matti.
7. I FUTUURI Matti will build a house. passiivi: A house will be built by Matti.

75 Tulkitse englanniksi parin kanssa. Muista pronomini it. Suggested key 
1. It was a cold night. 
2. It is scary to be out in the dark. 
3. It has already been rainy / raining for three weeks. 
4. It would be nice to travel somewhere warm. 
5. It’s a shame (that) it’s only January. 
6. It’s still many more months before/till spring. 
7. Is it too late to book a holiday/vacation?
8. Is it warm enough in Spain? 
9. Wasn’t it Steve who travelled to Spain last week?
10. It wasn’t too difficult to do this exercise, was it? 

76 Sano lauseet ääneen parisi kanssa englanniksi. Muista pronomini there. Suggested key 
1. There are eight floors in this building. 
2. Is there an elevator/ a lift in the building?
3. There is a page missing from this book. 
4. Look! There is a huge hole in Linda’s sock. 
5. Is there anyone here? 6. Aren’t there any sausages left? 
7. There was an opening night / a premiere at the cinema / at the movie theatre. 
8. There weren’t many celebrities there. 
9. There is a mother and her three daughters in the painting. 
10. There are three bedrooms and one bathroom in the house. 

78 Täydennä tarina käyttäen pronomineja it ja there sekä be-verbin oikeaa muotoa. 
1. It was 2. It was 3. There was 4. There was 5. It was the car 6. There were 7. It was 8. It’s 9. isn’t it? 10. there were 11. There had been 12. it was 
13. it was 14. there wasn’t 15. There was 16. There was 17. there was 18. there had been 19. there had been 20. there haven’t been 

79 More advanced Käännä.
1. It was cold and rainy in London. 
2. There are showers in Ireland almost every day / daily. 
3. It will be too late to do anything about it tomorrow./ Tomorrow it will be too late to do anything about it.
4. Aren’t there more people there? 
5. Was it Tim who phoned? 
6. How far is it to Nurmo? 
7. There was a big sale in the store/shop. 
8. Are there many rugby teams in this town?