Some notes on May 6th, 2024

HW: ex. 55 p. 267 & ex, 59 p. 269 & ex. 60 p. 270 - 271 

the Constitution = perustuslaki

burn out 
He had a burn out.
He burnt out.

a lift = a ride
to hitch hike = liftata
cooperation =  co-operation
I will give you a ride tomorrow. =  I will give you a lift tomorrow.
can / could = VOISI (NB! could on myös can-verbin IMPERFEKTI)
will / would
shall /  should = pitäisi
may / might = saattaisi
mow the lawn = cut the grass
mow, mowed, mowed / mown
fry / fried= paistoi
a lawn mower = ruohonleikkuri
eloquence (n.) = keunopuheisuus
eloquent (adj.) = kaunopuheinen
a principal (n.)= rehtori (AmE)
a superintendent (n.)
a racist

He made racist comments.
intolerance (n.)
intolerant (adj.)
xenophobia (n.) = muukalaisviha
a xenophobic
xenophobic (adj.)


I ehtovirke:
If I exercise / do sports, I will be in better shape / I'll be in better shape.
if-lauseessa on YLEISPREESENS; päälauseessa I futuuri (WILL + verbin perusmuoto)
IF I don't go to sleep early, I will be tired in the morning / I'll be tired in the morning.
Unless I go to sleep early, I will be tired in the morning.

II ehtovirke:
Jos voimistelisin / urheilisin, pysyisin paremmassa kunnossa.
If I exercised / did sports, I would stay in better shape / I'd stay in better shape.
IF-lauseessa YLEISIMPERFEKTI ja päälauseessa on I KONDITIONAALI (WOULD + verbin persumuoto)
If I didn't go to sleep early, I would be tired in the morning.
Unless I went to sleep early, I would be tired in the morning.

III ehtovirke:
Jos minä olisin voimistellut / olisin urheillut, minä olisin pysynyt paremmassa kunnossa.
IF-lauseeseen PLUSKVAMPERFEKTI (had + teeman 3. muoto); päälauseeseen tulee II konditionaali  (would + have + teeman 3. muoto)
If I had exercised / had done sports, I would have stayed in better shape.

If I hadn't gone to sleep early, I  would have been  tired in the morning.
Unless I had gone to sleep early, I would have been tired in the morning.
unless = ellei; jollei


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