ENA3 / 4. periodi / Haaksluoto

ENA3 / 4. periodi / Haaksluoto


Töölön yhteiskoulun aikuislukio, Urheilukatu 10 - 12, 00250 Helsinki

Teacher: Erja H. Haaksluoto e-mail: erja.haaksluoto@tyk.fi Available for consultation: 1) before and after the lessons, and 2) on Mondays at 20.05 - 20.45 hours (= so-called KIELIKLINIKKA) (except NOT during the exam weeks)

Book: Elina Karapalo – Paula Keltto – Mark Kilmer – Päivi Kuusivaara – Teijo Päkkilä –Annukka Suonio: New Insights Module 3 (Otava)

SHORT DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: On course 3 we are focusing on one theme: culture. In grammar and structures we shall deal with nouns: countable nouns, uncountable nouns; singulars, plurals; articles (a / an / - // the); genitives / possessive structures.

We shall meet 11 (eleven) times Mondays and Wednesdays at 17.00 – 18.20 hours in class room 31 or online on Google Meet at the following link: meet.google.com/her-rxva-umj as follows:

  1. January 8, 2024: Introduction to the course / Home Assignments: review and composition p. 140 – 143 p. 147 - 148 / 4 When you beat the odds p. 28 -30 / p. 36 Music: Glossary
  2. January 10, 2024: exercise 4c & 4d & 4e p. 31 – 32 // exercise 4h p. 34 // GRAMMAR: NOUNS p. 152 – 157
  3. January 15, 2024: exercises 4 & 5 p. 163 // GRAMMAR: NOUNS p. 158 – 161
  4. January 17, 2024: exercises 6 & 8 p. 164 // 6 Insights into Finland p. 46 - 53
  5. January 22, 2024: exercises 10 & 11 p. 166 – 167 // exercise 6g p. 53
  6. January 24, 2024: 7 Stains of the past p. 54 – 56 // exercise 7c p. 57 // GRAMMAR: ARTICLES p. 168 - 172 // exercise 14 p. 175
  7. January 29, 2024: exercises 7e & 7f & 7g & 7i p. 58 – 61 // GRAMMAR: ARTICLES p. 173 -174 // exercise 15 p. 174
  8. January 31, 2024: exercises 16 & 17 p. 177 // GRAMMAR: ARTICLES p. 178 – 181 // exercise 19 p. 182 // Glossary: Visual arts p. 82 // 9 The anatomy lesson p. 72 – 75
  9. February 5, 2024: GRAMMAR: GENITIVES & POSSESSIVE STRUCTURES p. 185 – 187 // exercise 23 p. 188 // Glossary: Visual arts p. 82 // 9 The anatomy lesson p. 72 – 75
  10. February 7, 2024: exercise 24 p. 189 // exercise C p. 83 // 9 The anatomy lesson p. 72 - 75 // exercises 9b & 9c & 9d p. 76 – 77 // Glossary: Literature p. 106
  11. February 12, 2024: exercises 9f & 9h p. 79 – 81 // exercise C p. 107 // 10 The book club B A Haunted House by Virginia Woolf p. 90 - 91


WRITTEN DIGITAL EXAM with listening comprehension takes place at 17.00 – 21.00 hours on Wednesday, February 14th, 2024.


  1. REVIEW ON A NOVEL OR A MOVIE OR A CONCERT OR AN OPERA OR A BALLET OR A PLAY OR AN ART EXHIBITION (AN ARTWORK ANALYSIS WILL ALSO DO) DEADLINE: on February 5th, 2024 / Before you do anything, have a close look at pages 140 - 143!
  2. COMPOSITION DEADLINE: on February 5th, 2024. You find the composition titles on pages 147 – 148. Please, make sure that you write your name on your home assignments.




EXAM at 17.00 - 21.00 hours on Wednesday, February 14th, 2024:

The exam consists of the following parts: 1) listening comprehension tests on February 14th, 2024, at 17.00 – 21.00 hours

2) digital written part on February 14th, 2024, at 17.00 – 21.00 hours, consists of the following parts:

  1. a) RC / reading comprehension
  2. b) MC / multiple choice
  3. c) Grammar: 1) countable and uncountable nouns, 2) singulars and plurals, 3) the use of different articles (a / an / - / the), and 4) genitives and possessive structures d) Translations and vocabulary on the texts that we have dealt with during the course e) Composition of 700 – 1,300 characters

THE GRADE ON COURSE 3 CONSISTS OF THE FOLLOWING: 1) LC exams and written digital exam on February 14th, 2024 2) Review and Composition (+) 3) Activity during the lessons (+++)

You will get your exams back on your e-mail. However, if you want to discuss your exam, I shall be available for all kinds of questions on Friday, March 1st, 2024, at 16.00 – 17.30 hours (= kokeiden palautus- ja palautepäivä) in Class Room 31, 3rd floor.

RETAKE EXAM: at 17.00 – 20.05 hours on Friday, March 8th, 2024 = UUSINTAKOE, johon on ehdottomasti ilmoittauduttava etukäteen täyttämällä vaaleansininen lomake, jonka saa kansliasta, 2. krs. Lomake palautetaan kansliaan VIIMEISTÄÄN VIIKKOA ENNEN UUSINTAKOETTA eli viimeistään perjantaina 1.3.2024. Uusintakoelomakkeesta on nyt myös olemassa sähköinen lomake. Nettisivuilla on pdf, jonka voi suoraan täyttää ja lähettää liitetiedostona kansliaan. Lomake löytyy koulumme nettisivuilta.