Hi! What's your name? (Greetings and numbers 1-20)
Hello, Hello, What's Your Name Song
Hello, Hello! Can you Clap your Hands
Preteach these phrases and you're ready to go!
clap your hands
stamp your feet
stretch up high
touch your toes
turn around
Good morning song (Singing Walrus)
Hello Song /Greeting Song (Singing Walrus)
Bye, Bye, Goodbye Song (Super Simple)
Counting 1-10 Song (Singing Walrus)
5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed Song
Listen to and read along with the story.
Now, sing along.
Here's a printable you can use as a coloring exercise, or with fingerplay or retelling.
Now, sing along.
Here's a printable you can use as a coloring exercise, or with fingerplay or retelling.