Look at me! (Body parts)
I've Got the Rhythm / Body Parts song
Human Body labeled

Put up this image and have students label a large drawing with the body parts in English on some butcher paper.
Shake it Out (Body Parts Song)
Hello, My Body! Body Parts Song by Pink Fong
It's pretty fast! Listen first, then play again and have students try to sing along. I'd sugges slowing it down to .75 speed (using the video settings - looks like a cog wheel) for the first time...
Head, shoulders, knees and toes song
Parts of the Body Song (I move my ... )
My Body chant
Body parts - listen and repeat
Head, hair, face, eyes, ears, nose, cheeks, mouth, teeth, tongue, chin, neck, shoulders, belly, back, arms, elbow, hand, fingers, legs, knees, feet, toes, butt.