Collège Marthe Dupeyron

Ranskan yhteistyökoulun valokuva

Our school is a middle school for children from the ages of 11 to 14. It is small, but friendly with around 230 pupils divided into 10 classes according to age. We have 20 teachers teaching all the usual subjects. There is usually only one teacher for each subject but there are 2 history and geography teachers, 2 English teachers, 2 maths teachers and 3 French teachers. As from September 2017 the name of the headteacher is Mr. Laget.

School starts generally on the 1st September and officially finishes at the end of the 1st week in July.

We have several 2 week holidays during the year. The first is in mid October, the next is for Christmas and then we have another one around mid February. We have a final break in the spring usually starting around mid April. French schools are not all on holiday at the same time for the winter and spring breaks. Because they are staggered the dates of these 2 breaks change every year.