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Matkablogin palautuskansio

Palauta tähän kansioon ENA2-opintojakson aikana kirjoittamasi matkablogi. Matkablogin viimeinen palautuspäivä on perjantaina 26.1.
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Travel blog

Writing a travel blog

1. Choose 1) one native English speaking country (for example USA, Canada, Great Britain or Ireland), 2) a US state or 3) a city of some English speaking country (for example London).

2. On your blog you can describe for example the following things: geography and biology, culture, visitors experiences and tourist activities and social features.

3. Before writing think about the following questions:

- What is typical of travel writing?
- What is described?
- What is the style of the description?
- Where would you like to travel?
- What would you like to experience?
- Who are you writing to?

4. Choose the blogging platform you will use (, libre office, word, sway).