Basic information
Oulu is a quite big city in the northern Finland. Population of Oulu is 200 232. Oulu is the fifth most populous city in Finland.
Location of Oulu in Finland Kuvahaun tulos haulle oulun vaakuna
Location of Oulu coat of arms of Oulu

The centre of Oulu

The centre of Oulu is quite small comparing to its population. There is few places to see in the centre. One those places is Rotuaari. It is an area/street in downtown.

christmas lights in the Rotuaari The Rotuaari ball

One big investment in the center is called Kivisydän. It is A big underground car park. Above of Kivisydän is new shopping center Valkea. It has many possibilityes for shopping but it is also a place where the finnish youngsters hang out.
Kuvahaun tulos haulle kivisydän oulukivisydän
Kuvahaun tulos haulle valkea oulu
shopping center Valkea

In the middle of market of Oulu stands statue named Toripolliisi. It was named by three market polices that once patrolled the market place.
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Adele ja Josefiina