Lübeck, Germany

The first day (5.10)

We met at our school very early in the morning. Everyone was so tired. We went to the airport by bus and the flight went by super quickly! The weather wasn’t that great in Lübeck - it was pouring, but everyone tried to stay positive. We met at Ernestinenschule, left our luggage there and went to eat burgers at Peter Pane. After that we met our great host families and spent the evening with them.

Hansa-park, day 2 (6.10)

We met everyone at the trainstation around 9am. We took the train to an amusementpark called Hansa-park. We had a great time there! I think this day might’ve been everyone’s favorite. The rollercoasters were super exciting and luckily the weather was nice too! We also took a lot of group photos. After Hansa-park we went to explore Lübeck with our hosts.

Hamburg, day 3 (7.10)

We had a free Saturday. We planned a trip to Hamburg and went there by train. We had fun even though it was raining again. Sadly I don't have that many pictures from Hamburg because of the weather. Everyone went shopping and we ate pasta/pizza at a restaurant called Vapiano. Then we got back to Lübeck and spent the evening with a few other project members. Some of us went bowling.

Theory Day, day 4 (8.10)

Theory day at the school. We made posters and presentations about given topics (my group’s topic was Dublin regulation). We also made videos and it was surprisingly interesting! I think everyone learned something new about migration. When we were finished we ate burgers at Peter Pane again. In the evening some of us ate at a traditional german restaurant.

Church asylum, day 5 (9.10)

We visited Kloster Nütschau and learned about church asylum. All the different stories we heard were very interesting and moving! We also ate there and the food was very good. After the visit I went to explore Lübeck once again with a few finns. We went to St. Petri’s church and the views from the tower were beautiful.

Berlin, day 6 (10.10)

The day everyone was looking forward to: The Berlin day. We had to wake up super early but luckily we managed to get some sleep on the bus. We visited The story of Berlin -museum and the finns even got a guided tour to the bunker. The museum was very interesting. After that we ate at a buffet place and then went to explore Berlin in smaller groups. We saw the Holocaust memorial, Checkpoint Charlie, Brandenburg’s gate, Victory column, the Berlin TV tower, bought souvenirs and even had enough time to go shopping at the Mall of Berlin. After the tough but still lovely day we were all exhausted.

Day 7 (11.10)

The last day with all of us together. In the morning we visited some lessons. I visited a physics lesson and a German lesson. We even managed to understand a few sentences the teachers said (in german). After that we had an exciting guided tour around Lübeck while the germans were on their lessons. For example, we visited Marienkirche. Still everyone’s favourite was the marzipan museum Niederegger. Salla, Monika, Emmi and I went there to try their cakes after the tour, bought some marzipan and did a little more shopping and sightseeing in Lübeck for the last time. In the afternoon we had a nice farewell party in the school canteen. The Poles left early the next morning so we had to say goodbye to some of them. We sang German songs, the Finns (tried) to sing one Finnish song and the Polish people sang their old folk song. After the farewell party we spent the evening with some German and Polish students.

The last day, day 8 (12.10)

The Poles left early but we still spent the whole day in Hamburg. We went shopping of course, ate burgers (again) and went sightseeing (e.g. St. Petri Kirche). The weather was great too! Our flight left in the evening and it went okay. We landed to rainy Finland safely. It was kind of late already, but we still had a nice bus trip to Kotka while looking through the photos we took during the week.