
Group: Aku, Otso, Eelis
Rebellion: questions to reflect on

1. With regards to rebellion through writing a journal, is the journal remotely effective? What about in the sense of a small, personal victory? In what ways is Winston guilty of the same lack of ambition that Julia is, as far as rebellious dreams go?

2. How different is Julia’s private form of rebellion than Winston’s hopes for grand- scale rebellion?

3. Are Winston and Julia rebels without a cause? Would that be a problem? What constitutes a legitimate cause for rebellion?

Group: MK, Leo, Evan, Reece
Reality: questions to reflect on
Is reality objective, existing independently of our perception of it as Winston believes? Or is reality subjective, existing only in our perception of it as the Party believes? Can two people see the same reality differently? If so, which is the real reality?

 7. Peter Jennings once said, “Whoever controls the media, controls reality.” Do you agree? Do we believe the news we read and see on television? Can the news media be used to manipulate us?

Ideas: erasing the past? Is it possible

Group: Eva-Lota, Marissa, Noah, Aura

Media: questions to reflect on
7. Peter Jennings once said, “Whoever controls the media, controls reality.” Do you agree? Do we believe the news we read and see on television? Can the news media be used to manipulate us?

8. Henry Kissenger wrote, “History is the memory of states.” Is history unchangeable, existing independently of human memory or human records, or can history be rewritten using different records and different points of view? What is the importance of history in our lives?

11. Is reality necessarily subjective for Winston? Can there ever be an objective account of history and its events in 1984, or is reality dependent upon the observer?

Group: Felix, Rosa, Nikke
Thought and language
: questions to reflect on
9. Can you really narrow the range of thought by narrowing vocabulary, as the Party seeks to do? What does that mean for people with small vocabularies – would they think less? Why does the Party think so? Can you think of counterexamples to the Party’s proposition?

10. According to Ingsoc, the Party’s ideology, reality exists only in the mind of the individual. Do you believe an external reality exists independent of perception? If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

Group: Nella, Jaime, Henni, Saga

Surveillance: questions to reflect on

17. After all the reality TV shows that people willingly take part in, you’re probably thinking, well, what’s the big deal? After all, there’s even a show called Big Brother. So, what’s the big deal with being monitored 24/7? Is it a source of entertainment? Of control? How does surveillance function in 1984, specifically?

18. How would the Party be weakened if it could not use surveillance its citizens?


Love: questions to reflect on

20. Do you believe the Party’s proposition that if people are no longer interested in love, that they will devote all their energies to worshipping the Party?

23. Why do you think the Party discourages love and emotional interaction between humans? Where do we see moments of true human emotion in the novel, and why do they seem significant? Similarly, where do we see moments of callousness (even from Winston)? 

Group: Safin, Markus and Shafei

Comparison with a current country's situation

Group: Jessi, Niina, Laura

That 1984 is a satire on totalitarian states such as Hitler’s Germany and Stalin’s Russia and a warning to the West is one of the commonly accepted interpretations of the novel. Prove that this is so by showing that Orwell did create a complete, repressive totalitarian state in Oceania.

Schedule ENA10B 2019

9.8. Friday  : Intro to the matriculation exam. Looked at scores. Listen to 10 minutes of 1984. Talk about audiobooks

13.8 Tuesday  : Do written sections 1.2 spring 2015, 
15.8 Thursday: Do written sections 1.2 fall 2015, spring 2016 
16.8 Friday: Go over the answers to spring 2016 section 1,2 Start Listening Spring 2015 (Do section VI).  1984 Chapters 1-5

20.8 Tuesday: Start spring 2019 
22.8 Thursday abitti
23.8 Friday: no class because of divine service

27.8 Tuesday:  Finish abitti preli spring 2019,  do independently spring written 2017
29.8 Thursday: do independently spring written 2017 1984 quiz Book 1 chapt 6-8. book 2, chapters 1-2 GIve a new essay
Watch Yleabitreenit koelahetys Read yle abi ällä
30.8 Friday Go over 1.2 (written spring 2017), https://areena.yle.fi/1-4067057  (minute 15.49-33)

Listening spring 2015 listening sections 1-V 

3.9 Tuesday No class because of 100 days
5.9 Thursday: Go over preli spring 2019
6.9 Friday 1984 Book 2 chapters 3-8. Finish spring listening 2015 section VI
Start grammar exercises, collect them, continue on Tuesday

10.9 Tuesday: grammar exercises, punctuation, correct spring list. 2015 and start presentations.
12.9 Thursday. Book 2, chapt 9, Book 3, chapt 1-6, grammar do the sheet up til the last two exercises:

SYKSY 2012. 2.2;  Syksy 2013 2.2

13.9 Friday NO CLASS (work on presentations1984)

17.9 Tuesday: SYKSY 2012. 2.2;  Syksy 2013 2.2. Work on Presentations
19.9 Thursday: Last review (listening)
20.9 Friday English YO KOE

23.9 Assessment day (Presentations will be on our assessment day 23.9)

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