Saksalaiset opettajat seuraamassa opetusta Halikon lukiossa

1. Who are you?
My name is Maren Bengfort and I am a business & administration, economics and banking & finance teacher from Bocholt, Germany.

2. Where do you come from?
I just bought a house with my husband in Bocholt (80.000 inhabitants). But at the moment I live in our state capital, Duesseldorf (640.000 inhabitants), which is about 80 km away from Bocholt.. 

3. Why are you here?
We are here to do some job shadowing with Finnish colleagues to learn from their methods and procedures in teaching.

4. What would you bring from your own school to ours?
-> Not too much, I think that you do a great job.
-> German Chocolate - but well Karl Frazer chocolate is delicious too.

5. What would you take back to your school from Halikon lukio?
I think teaching smaller groups is very efficient. And too use deckchairs etc. makes it much more comfortable for the students to follow the lessons. With regard to the computer system I think that the collaboration between the students and teachers is great and easy to handle.

6. Mention things that one should see or experience in your home region?
As Duesseldorf is our capital city there are a lot of things to visit and to taste (historic city, the Rhine river and the traditional food).
But also Bocholt is a great city, which is locatet very close to the Dutch boarder.
Long time ago the textile industry was big in this city thats why you should visit our great museum, which is locatet right next to the "Aa"-Lake.

 7. What has surprised you most in Finland? 
The popularity of karaoke bars and cardamom.

8. What was/were your best moment(s) during your visit to Finland?
The wonderful people I encountered plus of course the incredibly beautiful nature (Teijo etc.), where you can do many differt sport activities like cross-country skiing :-)

9. What will you miss most about Finland?
I will miss my friendly Finish colleagues. You organized a great plan and supported us with great advice and even you made it happen that we feel comfortable in Finland. Celebrating Vappu and the 1. May with you together was a great experience - Thank you again.
But never the less...I will also miss my favorite corner bakery "Kuiron Leipomo" and the indoor flea markets :-)

1. Who are you?

I am Matin Wasiri, an English and Economics teacher from Germany.

2. Where do you come from?
Our school (Berufskolleg am Wasserturm) is located in Bocholt, but I live in Duisburg, which is around 60 km away. 

3. Why are you here?
We are here to do some job shadowing with Finnish colleagues to learn from their methods and procedures in teaching.

4. What would you bring from your own school to ours?
Not too much, I think that you do quite a good job.

5. What would you take back to your school from Halikon lukio?
A bit more relaxed approach to life. The written English immatriculation tests, because they are less work for the teachers :)

6. Mention things that one should see or experience in your home region?
Landschaftspark Rheinland, a ex-steelworks industrial ruin turned into a wonderful park. You can go climbing there as well, it is great!

7. What has surprised you most in Finland?
The popularity of karaoke bars and cardamom.

8. What was/were your best moment(s) during your visit to Finland?
The wonderful people I encountered plus of course the incredibly beautiful nature. 

9. What will you miss most about Finland?
See above. Plus the food...