China, Korea
Korean guests
A group from Korea visited our school on 24.5.2023. Students guided them around, they talked with the principal and were following couple of lessons.
Korean Guests
So this morning I got a message in our classes groupchat asking if someone would like to guide korean guests around our school and I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to raise my social skills so I took the offer. When the guests arrived first I was quite impressed by their style. I know that Korea is quite well known for its “k-pop” style, so I wasn’t really surprised, but I was still very impressed.
Another thing I know Korea is very famous for is their makeup, and I did indeed see a lot of the girls wear that type of makeup, especially gradient lipstick which I thought was really pretty.
When it was our time to give them a tour of our woodworking class all of the guests seemed very interested in what we were explaining (unlike finnish people). I think they were a little scared to ask questions though. When they got to make a butter knife from wood they seemed very intrigued and excited to make it. Me (Olga) and the guests had some small talk before we had to leave back to the ‘meeting point’ and I could tell they were a bit shy. Before we parted ways, one of the guests gave me a keychain shaped like Korea with a small dot to mark where she lived along with two stickers she made herself, which I thought was very sweet and thoughtful. We then took some pictures, changed Instagrams and then said our goodbyes. I also got to display some of my Korean language skills by saying “감사합니다” which means “thank you” (Romanized: kamsahmnida).I thought it would be helpful to put articles of Korean fashion and makeup here:
Future Education Forum 16.9.-18.9.2019
School visit 2018
Here below you can find some pictures of the visit.
Kirjeenvaihtoa Kiinaan!
Vastasimme tervehdyksiin itsetehdyin kortein, mukaan laitettiin tikkareita, heijastimia, valokuvia ja rannekoruja.
Ohessa kuvia lähetetyistä korteista ja tekemisen lomasta. Toivotimme hyvää uutta vuotta, sillä kiinassa uutta vuotta juhlitaan 14.2.2018.
Jäämme odottelemaan vastauksia kiinasta, kiinalaisen uuden vuoden jälkeen.
Videotervehdyksiä Kiinasta
Koulussamme vieraili joukko kiinalaisia lapsia ja opettajia syyskuussa. He tulivat Choayang school - nimisestä koulusta Pekingistä. Paikallinen lehtemme Aamuposti uutisoi vierailusta 29.9.2017.
Artikkelin nettiosoite:
Video vierailusta:
Joulutervehdys Kiinasta:
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