Ryhmätyö Visual Arts

Go online and find a work of art. Prepare a poster of the artwork, its meaning and significance. (1-2 pages) You can (and should) include pictures as well.

Artwork analysis
You can use these questions to help you prepare the poster.
Describing the artwork
• Who created the artwork?
• What kind of artwork is it?
• Which medium is used?
• What is the name of the artwork?
• When and where was it created?
• Were there any major events in history during the time that seem to have affected the artwork?
• What can you see in the composition (people, animals, shapes, scenery, etc)?
• How would you describe the use of different art elements (line, shape, form, space, texture, colour, pattern, etc)?
• How did the artist use the elements to create balance, harmony, contrast, variety, emphasis, rhythm and/or movement in this work of art?
• What do you think the artist was trying to say through this artwork?
• What feelings do you have when looking at it?
• Do you like this artwork? Why?
• Is it “good” or “bad”? Why?
• Is it an important work? Who do you think it would be important to? Why?
• Would you like to have this artwork in your home? Should it be in a museum?
  • Palauta kuva tai muu tiedosto
  • Palauta merkintä
  • Palauta linkki

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