Evening at the camping place Luovi


We spent the friday evening at the camping place Luovi. The students got to know the finnish traditions as sauna, winter swimming and grilling sausages. We had also the poetry slam competion in mixed groups. In the poems the students should use these four words (Migration - Challenge - Change - Chance), which are also found in our Erasmus+ -projects title.

Here are some poems of the groups:

1. Migration

I came to a new country, 
leaving my home behind. 
Meeting new people, 
hoping for a chance. 
Letting the change happen, 
migration. Migration.
This was a challenge for me. 

Ich kam in ein neues Land,
ließ mein Heim zurück.
Lernte neue Leute kennen,
habe auf eine Chance gehofft.
Ließ die Veränderung passieren,
Das war eine Challenge für mich!

2. Migration

In Europe we are the same nation, 
so there is no need to be scared of the migration. 
Change is not a bad thing, 
so challenge yourself to do something. 

Euroopassa me kaikki olemme samaa kansaa,
joten maahanmuuttoa ei ole syytä pelätä.
Muutos ei ole paha asia,
joten haasta itsesi ja tee jotain.

3. Migration

Life is a challenge, 
it's harder to some than others. 
Migration gives you a new destination, 
where you can find yourself in a new situation. 
If you wanna be filled with glee, 
Europe is the place to be. 
So take a chance 
and learn a finnish dance. 

Elämä on haaste,
se on vaikeampaa jollekin kuin toiselle.
Maahanmuutto antaa sinulle uuden suunnan,
jossa voit löytää itsesi uudesta tilanteesta.
Jos haluat olla täynnä iloa,
Eurooppa on oikea paikka sinulle.
Joten tartu tilaisuuteen
ja opettele suomalainen tanssi.

4. Migration

People want a change,
people have got chances.
People are like birds,
they think they are free and fragile.
Migrating, flying.
But the truth is, 
that they are prosoners, closed in cages.
From there there is a challenge to go out.

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