Karelian Pasties

Kuvahaun tulos haulle karjalanpiirakkaRice filling

3dl water
2dl short-grain rice
6-7dl milk
1/2 - 3/4tsp salt

1. Preparation of rice filling

1. Take out the ingredients and equipment.
2. Place the measured water and rice into a cooking pot.
Heat to the boiling point and stir.
Reduce the heat. Cook until the water is absorbed by the rice
3. Add the milk and mix. Heat to the boil again, stirring constantly.
Reduce the heat. Leave the rice to gently cook for
about 30 minutes. Stir occasionally.
4. Add salt and stir well. Allow the rice to cool.

Crust dough

1dl water
½ tsp salt
2dl rye flour
1/2 - 3/4dl all-purpose flour

Additional flour needed for rolling

approx. ½ dl all-purpose flour
approx. ½ dl rye flour

2. Preparation of dough and crusts

1. Take out ingredients and equipment.
2. In a bowl, blend the water, salt and rye flour with a wooden fork.
3. Pour part of the all-purpose flour (3/4 dl) in a pile on the
baking surface or table. Place the rye dough on top of the
flour and mix until smooth. Add as much all-purpose flour
as the dough can absorb and until the dough
becomes smooth and elastic.
4. Roll into a log. Cut into 16-20 equal parts. Cover with plastic film
or a bowl so they won't dry out.
5. Mix ½ dl all-purpose flour with ½ dl rye flour and spread over the
work area of the table. Turn the cut edges of the dough in the flour
mixture and press firmly with your palm to form a disk. Cover
at once with plastic film or with a bowl so they won't dry.
6. Preheat the oven to 250-300 C.

3. Pasty crust preparation

7. Take a dough disk and roll it until it is about 12-14cm in diameter,
about the size of a bread plate. Add flour to the table from
the rye flour mixture so that the dough won't stick to the table
8. Stack the crusts one on top of another, sprinkling rye flour
in between so they don't stick together. Cover them so they won't dry out.

4. Filling and crimping

9. Take out a baking sheet and sprinkle it with rye flour.
10. If the crusts are very floury, brush them off with a pastry
brush before filling. Put a few crusts on the table and spread
1-2 tsps with the rice filling. Leave a wide space at the edges
of the crust without the filling.
11. Crimping is done by folding the edges of the crust over
the rice filling with your forefingers at the same time. Don't
leave high crimps, as they will burn in the oven.
12. Place the crimped pasties side by side on a floured baking sheet.

To baste

3/4dl water
25g margarine or butter

5. Baking and basting

13. Bake the pasties for about 15 minutes on the middle rack of the oven.
14. Remove the hot pasties to a flat tray or to a sheet of parchment.
15. In a saucepan, heat the water and margarine or butter to boil.
16. Baste the hot pasties with the butter/water mixture and place on serving tray.
17. If there is time, allow the pasties to soften under a cover of parchment or wax paper.

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